Chapter 14- The Argument

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Ed's POV

I wrapped my arm around Ella's waist as she unlocked the door to her house. We walked inside and entered the living room.

I pull her closer to me and we start making out when I hear a yell.

"What the fuck Ed?!" I hear Ali yell and I pull away from Ella.

"You went back to her?" She asked gob smacked with my decision.

"Yes and what? She said she was sorry, what more could she do?" I defend her.

"She could've not snogged my face off." Zayn says.

"Look Ali, I'm really sorry. I honestly didn't mean to, I wasn't thinking straight." Ella replies.

"Don't give me your excuses. We were supposed to be best friends and you kissed my boyfriend!" Ali yells.

"I know, friends don't do that to each other but what can I do now? What's done is done." Ella tells her.

"You could have not kissed my boyfriend, how about that hmm?" Ali hisses. "And you, getting back together with her." Ali looks at me.

"You got back with Zayn, he kissed her too!" I tell her.

"No Ed, she kissed me." Zayn looks at me. "Come on dude, don't do this. She hurt you."

"I hurt her feelings too. It was my fault as well." I justify myself.

"Ed, don't go blaming yourself. You didn't force her to kiss me." Zayn explains.

"But I love Ella." I hold her hand and she squeezes it. "Don't you get it? It was a meaningless kiss and I'm not going to let it get in the way of us."

"Ed-" Ali begins.

"No Ali," I interrupt. "Why hold a grudge? I'm not saying what she did was okay, I'm saying I'm not going to let it ruin our happiness."

"So you're just going to forget what she did to you?" Ali says.

"No. But I'm not going to let it destroy what Ella and I have."

"Ali, it was just a stupid kiss." Ella says.

"Well I can't be as forgiving as Ed. You're a stupid bitch who doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone else

and basically murdered her dad!" Ali screams at Ella.

"Wait, what? You killed your-" Zayn begins.

"You bitch!" Ella says to Ali. "How can you say that?!"

"You know it's true. You're a fucking retard who killed her dad because you are a fucking baby who cries about everything!" Ali yells at Ella.

"Hey, there's no need for-" I start.

"Me the fucking baby? You're so funking rude and you moan about every fucking thing in your life. Nothing is ever fucking good enough for princess fucking Ali, is it?" Ella screams. I don't think I have ever heard anyone say the word 'fucking' so many times in one sentence.

"Wow you came here to apologise you piece of shit and now you're fucking swearing at me-"

"You said I killed my dad."

"Because you did-"

"Girls." Zayn yells. "Calm down."

"No I will not fucking calm down. She is a murdering self centered piece of shit and-" Ali starts.

"Ahhhh!!!" Ella screams and pounces on Ali.

They start pulling each others hair before kicking and punching. Zayn jumps in and tries to stop Ali but I just stare in shock.

"A bit of help here Ed?" Zayn says.

"Oh right, yeah." I say.

I pull Ali back as she is kicking and screaming.

"Let go of me Ed!" She screams down my ear fiercely. "I'm going to kill her."

Zayn is holding Ella back as she attempts to force him off.

"Girls, this has gone way out of hand." I struggle to say as Ali is finding every possible way to escape me.

"I agree, come on you're supposed to be best friends." Zayn says and smiles at me as if saying 'it's your choice'.

"Ella doesn't know what 'best friends' mean." Ali snaps.

"I do and I'm truly sorry Ali." Ella backs down and Zayn releases her from his grip. "Please Ali. We've been friends for ever. Literally. You're like my sister."

"Not anymore."

"Ali, what else can I do? Just tell me and I'll do it." Ella pleads.

"There's nothing you can do." Ali ruthlessly says.

"After everything we've been through? Year 11 prom when I punched Tom Holtwood for you? When I lied for you at work when you broke the oven? When Ellis died...?"

I feel Ali relaxing and release my grip off her.

"We'll leave you both alone." Zayn says.

"Yeah." I agree and we both leave the room and close the door behind us.

We both sit down at the kitchen table.

"Are you positive about your decision to get back with Ella?" Zayn asks me with genuine concern for me. He was a good friend.

"One hundred percent." I reply.

"Do you think they'll sort things out?" Zayn asks.

"I hope so." I truthfully say.

"Can I ask you something?" Zayn asks.

"Sure..." I reply.

"Was that true about what Ali said about Ella killing her dad?" Zayn looked at me.

"No. Definitely not. It's complicated, but she honestly didn't."

"Right, phew. That kind of freaked me out." Zayn let out a sigh of relief.

"No, she explained everything and it's fine. Ali was just angry." I explain.

"Yeah, she has a bit of a temper, but I like it." Zayn smiles.

"You really like her don't you?" I say looking at his facial expressions every time the word 'Ali' is said.

"Yeah... Ed, I think I've fallen for her big time." Zayn confesses.

"Aww Zayn, you're in love!" I beam.

"Shhhhh!" Zayn puts a finger to his lips. "I haven't told her yet. Not with everything that's happened. I don't want to freak her out. I just hope those two make up."

"I feel you bro." I smile.

"Are you sure we should've left them in a room on their own? Anything could happen." Zayn says inferring that they might start fighting again.

We both exchange worried glances and run to the door. We burst through it.

We stopped straight away.

They were both hugging each other, tears streaming down their faces, but they were smiling.

Everyone was friends again? I hope so.


So if you haven't noticed, we barely update. That's mainly because me and the other person who writes this never come onto Wattpad anymore. This chapter was actually written a year ago.

I don't think anyone is actually reading this but if you are, thanks for sticking with us. Sorry for the delay.

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