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Claire is getting distant. And that can't happen.

I understand why she's reacting the way she is. It's exactly the same things she reacted to back in California. She said I was too possessive, that was too much of a control freak. And as I admitted back then, I wanted her to only have me.

Those things improved over time, and the urges I had in the beginning to constantly being in control of her faded away. But that all came crashing back the minute I knew Zayn was in the apartment, it was like a switch. And now, every waking second, I am so fucking terrified of having anything happen to her. There is no other option for me other than shutting her away, till Zayn is caught.

In California, I realized over time that her happiness was the most important. And we lived here for 3 months where every day was happier than the last. And I know it's selfish, but her safety is more important than her happiness to me. What's her happiness good for if she's dead?

I want her to be happy. But I want her to be alive more.

But now that I feel myself falling back into my old ways, the ways she almost left me for in California, I see it in her eyes. I see the disappointment.

I just wish she'd remember me, I'm sure she would understand my reaction. But there is a small chance that she will.

"So... this is fucking awkward," Michael says lightly, looking back and forth between Claire and I.

We are eating breakfast, and there are few words that has been exchanged. I've tried offering a few kind glances, but Claire has dismissed them. I understand why.

"What are you guys planning to do today?" Michael asks, as Claire tensely stares down at her plate of eggs and bacon.

"Hanging out with you, in the apartment of course," Claire says, finally looking up. Her eyes meet mine for a split second, and I can tell that she means without me.

I think that's a good idea, for her to get time to come to terms with all the changes. I am keeping her in the apartment for now, so she deserves to decide who she spends her time with at least.

"That's fine. I am heading to the police station to give my statement on what happened here in the apartment on Friday. You know, Zayn getting into the apartment, tricking you into eating drugs and messing with your mental health?" I say, and Claire's brows raise, her head nodding vaguely as she scoffs. She gets up from the table, and rinses her plate in the sink, then putting it into the dishwasher.

"We'll be here," she says sarcastically, and my heart sinks by my resentment for this situation. We've never been like this to each other, but it can all stop when Zayn is caught.

Because my heart is near falling out of my mouth when I think of Claire leaving the apartment. And I can't have it.


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