Flash: The Musical

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Ok but can we actually talk about tonight's episode. I knew it was going to be good but it was so much better then I thought. We are gonna break this done. Not scene by scene but by like the main parts. So Kara gets taken to Star Labs bc this guy (Music Minester idek man) trapped her in this dream state which just happened to be a musical. Barry gets trapped there also after, our villain is all like "I'm going to teach you a lesson" (in the worst kinda way I will trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday... Sorry #namethatsong). Barry ends up in the club/bar in the 1930-40's to see Kara singing both wonderfully and a bit confused. After her solo she recognizes him (thank God bc you already know they would pull it where they didn't know each other) and are quickly confronted with "Malcom Merlin" (its not him obviously just a look alike but I forgot the name they used) who you think is gonna be a nice guy right. Alternate dimension, opposite personalities. NOPE!!! HE PULLED A KNIFE ON THEM REAL QUICK. Apparently they sing for him bc he owns the bar. And oh yeah Kara'a friend (idk his name bc I don't watch Super Girl *sorry*) is the piano player and Cisco is the bar tender. Anyway. Mr. Music come a to visit and he's all like "you guys have to sing to escape. Come on its fun. *que musical number* (Put a Little Love In Your Heart). That happens its amazing. All is cool right but nope. Kara and Barry get knocked out and are taken by mob leaders "Joe and Dr. Stein. (Ps they are a married gay couple and proud of it and that makes me so happy. Pss the name who played Malcolm is gay irl and that also makes me happy bc the CW is amazing for that and not being sorry for it). Joe tells them that their daughter was missing so its Barry and Kara's job to find her. They call on "Cisco" bc he obviously knows where to find her bc why not....? The musical duo walk in on "Iris and Lar" (I think again idk don't hate me) making out. AND BLACK OUT: Intermission.

Kay back for round two. Back in normal land Mr. Music decides to rob a bank out of boredom I guess but Kid Flash and his gang was like "ha you funny" and lock him up. Barry and Laura's vitals are unstable and are rapidly losing their powers. Jump back into the land of musicals and mobsters Barry and Kara convince "Iris and Tar" to tell their fathers about their forbidden love. (Bc apparently this is West Side Story but I'm not complaining) they tell them,  Barry and Kara learn a little lesson about love que another song and everything is great right...I think you already know that's wrong. WARRRRRRR!!!! Jump back to reality and real Iris and Tar are not happy. Mr. Music tells them they gotta learn about love also. Back in dream lamd Que an amazing friendship song between our two heroes. Gun shots. Almost dead, rescued by lovers, Mr. Music is like "ha gotcha. Sorry about like almost letting you die. Time to go help some other folks. And like disappears. Kara and Tar are happy together. Barry sings a song to Iris (OMGG its was so cute and I loved it and like fellas take notes.) AMD PROPOSES AGAIN. CW I SWEAR STOP PLAYONG WITH ME.

Wow ok that was fun (if you have ever seen Tyler Mount on YouTube and his 3minute musical explanation that's kinda what I based this off of and if you haven't go watch same. They are so fun I love him.)

Review: I thought the "villain" was amazing. He was very likeable and funny and charismatic. The actor did very well. I really hope to see him again one day. He didn't really do anything wrong I guess. I mean maybe his tactics weren't the best but hey it all ended well. I think they should have added Julian in place of Cisco. I just that would have been really funny. Speaking of Cisco he said that he would make a name for himself in that dream world didn't really do anything. I think it would have been nice if they had out favorite heroes help him with that. The Gang fight could have been better. Sure Kara and Barry basically died and I think "Joe" did too. But do we get to see the aftermath? NOPE. Do we get to see if "Iris and Tar" work out? NOPE. And I understand they have a time limit. That's cool and all people schedule their lives around theirs shows I understand. I just think they could have worked it better. Idk maybe we'll see them again. In the end all is good. They did a fantastic job with this episode and I and very excited to see more.

Comment what you think and Stay Geeky

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