Chapter 2

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Chloe :

We just pulled into the house and I stepped out of the car to get a look. Shit. That is a big house..

I turned around and looked at the lads. " this is a BIG house. " I say and they chuckle. They grab my bags and I walk into the house. I took one step and I was frozen.

" who are you ?!" A feminine voice yells and my eyes widen.

" Chloe.." I say as she walks so I can see her. Oh, there is 3 of them.. I thought there was only 1.

" are you a fan ? How did you get in here ?" The one with curly hair asked.

" I live here.. " I say, trying to walk past them. What is up with these girls.

" uh. Last time I checked a little girl doesn't live here." Blondie said.

" uh last time I checked, which was like 10 minutes ago. I do live here ! Go shove a sock up your ass and leave me alone already. How many times do I have to tell you I live here?!" I yell and they look at me with wide eyes.

" did she just..?" The other one of the 3 asked and they nodded. I huffed and walked around them to the couches. I sit down and wait for the lads to come in.

What is taking them so long ? I could hear the girls whispering and then the door opens and heavy feet walk in. I could tell the girls ran over to them because you could hear their feet padder on the ground.

I heard the girls whispering. " Chloe ? " I heard someone question. I knew they were talking about me. " she lives here Dani. We just adopted her. " I rolled my eyes and grabbed the telly remote. I turned it on and started watching Teen Wolf.

" Chloe ! Where are you ?" I heard one of the lads say.

" in here. Dah !" I say back and I heard a sigh.

" I mean what ro- oh there you are." Harry said walking into the room. " you like Teen Wolf ?" He asked and I looked at him.

" obviously since I'm watching it." I say.

" no need for the sass. " he says putting his hands up in defense. I roll my eyes.

Why do I keep rolling my eyes ? Oh yeah because the people living here are fucktards.

" Why don't you put your stuff up in your room and then come down here and we can all get to know each other." Liam says walking into the room. I nod and drag myself up the stairs with my bags. Which is only 2 but who cares.

I pull them up and into the hallway and realized they never told me what room is mine.. Wow. How did just notice.

" lads ! You didn't tell me which room !" I yell at them.

Niall appears at the bottom of the stairs and runs up to meet me at the top. I mean, yes he's pretty cute but technically he's my brother so I can't think those thoughts anymore. Okay I'll admit that all of them are cute but 3 of them have girlfriends and they are my brothers now. So I have to shut up.

" Chloe ?" Niall said waving a hand in front of my face.

" huh ?" I asked and he laughed.

" you just like zoned out on me!" He says and I just shrug. He doesn't need to know what I was thinking about..

He leads me down the hallway and then to the attic. " this is gonna be your room. You can decorate it however you want. It's your room and we don't care how it is. Okay ? You have a bed, a tv, a couch, dressers, a walk in closet, a bathroom, and a desk thingy. " he says walking into the room.

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