Goodbyes Chapter 2

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When I awoke that morning, I had to get the kids ready for school. I woke them up with a cup of warm water, gave them a bowl of cereal, packed their backpacks and dressed them. Once they got on the bus, I had to do the same routine, with a few extra steps, except in ten minutes. Once I finished, i walked to the exact same school the kids rode the bus to.

When I arrived at school, a girl named Jill pushed me down. She always did, when I fail to do her homework. After, when I arrived at class the teacher took up homework, and of course I was the star of the class considering what I went through at home. My teachers were always encouraging me. And when I did miss homework - which was rare - they gave me a second day. The only thing I hate, and still hate about school, is the part where people go there. Some can be nice, but it's the self-endured who I don't like.

Once school was over and I arrived home, there were a list of chores I had found on the door.


Sweep the floors

Scrub the floors

Do the landry

Scrub the walls

Wipe the walls

Repanet the walls

Rearrange the pantry

Clean my closet

Vacuum the carpet

Wash my windows

Wash my mirror

Clean the toilet

Tidy up my beauty products

Do the dishes

I want it all done by the time I get home!

I rolled my eyes, tore the paper off the door, and walked in with my head down. I decided that I would take a thirty minute nap. But I wanted to do a few things before I did so. For starters, I cleaned and sorted out my mother's things, such as: tidying up her beauty product, washing her mirrors and windows, cleaned the toilet, & vacuumed her carpet. Then cleaned myself up, covered myself in blankets, and fell quickly asleep.

When I woke up from the nap I called short, it was oddly quiet. My brother and sisters should have been home by now. As I walked through the house, many things were missing. Like the couch, everyone's beds, the table, food, decorations etc. Then I found another note on the door.

Sabrina, you have failed this family because you didn't do your chores. By now we are on our way to Idaho and will not come back for you. You have only a few days left until the office comes to kick you out. We also left a little food and bathroom stuff for you. Also you only have two choices, you can go to foster care, or run away and live with some person, though nobody will most likely let you in their house. Good bye. - Your mom, Shilla

To be honest, I thought I would've broken down into tears, but a part of me was happy she was gone. But I would very much miss, Matthew, Serena, and Kyla. As I wandered through the house, looking for things that had been left, I found another note, it was from the kids. But I could tell who wrote it because she had such lovely handwriting. Kyla.

I'm terribly sorry we must go sissy. We all love you so very much, the kids cried and I'm sure by now they have blocked everyone but me out. You've always been there for us, so thank you. Remember, we will always keep you in our hearts, please don't forget about us, and stay safe. I hope to see you again someday, I love you. Goodbye. - Love, Kyla, Serena, & Mat

Only then and there did I break down and cry. I'd miss them very much, but it wasn't a good time to cry. I had to figure something out about where I'd stay. So I walked to the library and researched some things. For example: how to build a house of sticks (aka a TP), how to build a fire, how to make weapons to hunt with, how to store meat, how to pure water, and store heat. I was ready to run, to my heart's content. I would finally be free for a change, live for myself. Some people overate the meaning of being free. I for one, would now embrace it.

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