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So bad news it might be a while before the next update lot of stuff is going on but I'm not ghosting the story it just might be a while till I get the time

Xoxo bella

People go by in a blur as i walk quickly down the street. I wish i hadn't come back to fleet street sure i was mursribull at my parents old house but i could have gotten buy there's only so much a person can handle. I come to a stop buy a nearby park running for my breath. I place my hand over my stomach as i fell it cramping up slightly i hope the child is ok i haven't felt it move at all. Since the hemorrhage were not sure if it's alive or not, i cling on everyday to the hope that this child is healthy and alive. It's six and a half months and my stomach seems to get bigger every day. I sight down under a tree placing my head in my hands as i try and catch my breath.

"Nellie" i heard a voice call i look up and see jack running towards me a concerned look on his face the weather breaks and rain starts to drizzle down the dreary streets of London. He reaches me and kneels down to my level.

"Are you alright what's wrong is it the child" he asks panic clear in his voice i shake my head as he takes hold of my hand.

"No its nothing i'm fine dear" i reply standing up i brush myself off unconvinced he looks at me his hand never leaving mine.

"You don't look fine nell" he says and i stiffen at the nick name sweeney is the only one who ever called me that he move my tangled hair from my face.

"Im alright" i whisper were standing so close now in the rain he starts to lean in closer when i fell my body being jerked away from him.

"What the hell are you doing" sweeney yells with a tight grip on my arm i look at him surprised for a moment i didn't think he would come after me. Sweeney isn't one to go chasing after people.

"None of your business" jack says grabbing my hand so i am psychically in between the two of them. Jack face is slightly red from anger but he has more control over his emotions then sweeny does who's blind rage is evident in his dark eyes.

"I suggest you leave this place and leave my.. my ... nellie alone" sweeney say not being able to describe exactly what we are which i don't know either what you would call.

"Stop this not the both of you" i say squirming between the two but neither is willing to let go

" is that why she was upset i swear to god if you hurt her" jack says sweeney looks at me for a moment his expression softening slightly regret filling his eyes the moment he turns back to look at jack i see a look in his eyes that i know all too well i see it the night in the bake house i saw it the moment he made his first kill.

"Sweeney" i saw stepping in between the two of them i see the menacing look of his razor in his holster i hope he doesn't do anything stupid.

"You stay away from her you here" sweeney spits pushing me out of the way grabbing jack by the collar sweeney is only a little bit taller not by much. I gasp when he does this i notice people are starting to stare.

"Like hell" jack says through gritted teeth getting out of sweeneys hold. Sweeny clenches his fist but roughly grabs my hand and pulls me along the street i look back and see him just staring at us. We make are way back to the shop as we walk i see toby out playing with some friends sweeney slams the door and turns to look at me.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you he's a guard" i yell placing my hands on my hips my swollen stomach poking out.

"You were going to kiss him" he says he's not asking it's a fact plain and simple i see a look of hurt and betrayal in his eyes and i do feel slightly guilty but he has no right over me .

"And. i'm a grown women sweeney an unmarried widow who is pregnate with her nabors bastard child and some nice man is trying to help me to be nice to me what am i supposed to do" i scream tears running down my face. It seems like i'm always bloody crying now a days . being weake. I don't think of my child as a bastard but that's how society will see him or her so i had to put it into perspective for him. I like jack i really do i don't know if i would go as far as to say i love him but there's something there.

"I'll take care of you nellie and the child you know that. I would never abandon you" he says stepping closer to me taking my hand in his.

"It's not the same sweeney i can't live like this" i whispered stepping away from him and run to my room closing and locking the door behind me i fling myself on the bed and start to cry until i drift off to sleep

I wake up and look at the clock and it's one in the morning rubbing my sleepy eyes i walk out of the room and head towards the kitchen to get a drink of water i'm walking in the dark and fill i cup drinking the clean cool liquid quickly i make my way back through the door of the parlor deciding i should try and go back to sleep when i almost tripped on something i pick up the offending object to see an empty bottle of gin. I take a few steps closer when i hear a soft voice singing.

"There was a barber and his wife and she was beautiful.... A foolish barber and his wife she judgmental and simple but she was beautiful" i peek and see sweeney sitting in the chair staring into the fire with another bottle in his hands.

"There was a baker down below and she was beautiful, but the barber never let her know. his love concealed for far too long and she would learn to love another, and she would leave and live and love while still being so beautiful." he say trailing off at the end his voice ever so haunting i want to go to him but i stop myself watching a minute i see him put his head in his hands for a moment. I sneak off another way back into my bedroom i lay back down trying to go back to sleep  

can we be complete again ( sequel to can we learn to love again)Where stories live. Discover now