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Ch31 Mrs. Lovett's POV

I feel more at ease knowing were on our way to get sweeny out. I did all i could do by giving him his razor i just have to wait.theres a loud knock on my door and i here toby go and answer it he comes running into the parlor with a note and hands it to me.

"It's from him mom we got to go we have to get you out of here" toby bleeds as i look over the letter. And it reads

Dearest eleanor

You can not deny me any longer. I've been a patient man but time is running out i will see you soon


"We can't leave this is the first place mr todd will come when he escapes, run and get anthony have him come and stay with us there is strength in numbers" i say toby looks at me hesitantly a moment before running off. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I check to see annabel sleeping soundly in her bed i lock all the doors and windows so i feel safe. I start pacing the room as i wait. He's going to come for me i just have to be ready when he does there's a knock on the door making me jump i look through the glass to see toby and anthony and i let out a sigh of relief.

"Mrs lovett mam what's wrong toby seed that you need help some type of protection" anthy questions concern filling his kind voice. His warm blue eyes staring at me but i

"Yes it's this hard you see he... hes after me and he's the reason mr todd was sent away so he could have me" i reply somewhat uncomfortable anthony looks taken back for a moment

"So if you wouldn't mind just staying her for a while... mr todd is going to escape soon but he'll come here and i need to be here when he comes" i finish and anthony takes my hand in his

"After all you and mr todd did for me and johanna it would be my honor to protect you as much as best i can" he say sweetly and i smile at him. I cross the room and make a cup of tea we all sit down in the parlor when there's a loud knock on the door. Making us all jump.

"I'll go see who it is" anthony replys standing up me and toby both stand up and peek from the parlor door to see the very man i've been dreading.

"Wear is she" jack says trying to push past anthone but he holds his own blocking the door.

"Sorry sir but the shop is closed and we aren't taking any visitors" anthony states trying to close the door but jack forces it open.

"I've had enough of your games elenore now come out here iv been a patient man" jack yells and he finally pushes past anthony to my horror. The way he called me elenore he sounded just like albert and it sends a shiver down my spine.

"Get the hell out of this house i will not ask you again sir" anthony yells cutting in front of jack before he can reach the parlor. I've never heard him sound so mad it's almost scary he is such a sweet boy. I press myself against the wall so jack won't see me i hear a bit of commotion and i look at toby.

"What's happening" i ask herring a few grunting noises toby peeks his head around and his eyes widen in horror.

"There fighting we got to go mom" toby whispers taking my hand we quietly make our way to my bedroom closing the door behind us and i lock it.

"We could go out the window and go... go" toby starts but trails off not knowing where to go. I pick up annabell and hold her close.

"There's no wear to go we can't go to the law he's one of them" i reply we hear a loud bang and heavy footsteps walking towards the room.

" i know you're in there elenore open the door ..... Now" he yells banging on the door i jump. He keeps banging on the door trying to break it down. Toby grabs my arm.

"Come on mom we got to go mr todd will find us" he says i run to the window throwing it open. Toby childs out and i hand annabell to him before i start to do the same when the door burst open i see jack standing there i bit of blood on his face and arm i can only fear the worst for anthony i scramble to the window but jack rushes grabbing me and wrenching me from the window.

"Mom" toby yells as i'm pulled out of his sight i here annabell start to weep jack slaps me hard across the face and throws me on the bed.

" now i have been patient man elenore but a man can only take so much" he replied stepping closer to me unbuckling his pants i'm paralyzed by fear knowing exactly what comes next.

"Please don't do this" i reply i look around for something anything to defend myself with my mess of hair has fallen from it updo.

"Don't fight it and it wont be so bad" he says trapping me in the bed he tries to kiss me nut i fight him he then pins me to the bed making me scream he slps me with his free hand i close my eyes and brace myself for the pain i know is about to come. But it never does i feel a warm liquid on my exposed chest i open my eyes to see jack's lifeless figure being pulled off of me.

"Sweeny thank god" i say throwing myself into his arms crying. He looks tired and worn dark circles prominent under his eyes he's covered in blood i can only assume it's not all jacks. I cry on his shoulder in fear and relfe everything is ok at least for right now.

can we be complete again ( sequel to can we learn to love again)Where stories live. Discover now