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Becky woke up from a nightmare however, she was no longer on the soggy grass outside. She was laying on the dining room table. The girl couldn't remember coming back into the house. Was that day a whole dream? Was Becky inside her house the whole time? She sat up and looked at the knife that was laying next to her. It had a red liquid on it that looked like it was still fresh, blood. Becky realised that, that day wasn't a dream at all. It was all real. She really did kill a dog and she really did kill a young girl. The tired girl noticed the sunlight peeking through the curtains. She got off the table, walked towards the curtains and opened them. It was morning. Becky slept through the whole day yesterday. Yet again, she didn't remember walking through that front door, maybe she was brought here by someone who found her lying on the grass. She turned around and walked towards the knife and picked it up. Then, she suddenly dropped it. Voices were whispering in her head. They were whispering all at once and she couldn't make out what they were saying. Becky had her hands on her head, telling them "Shut up. Shut up!" The voices grew louder and louder, too loud for Becky to handle. She sat down in a corner, pleading that the voices would just go away.
Suddenly, they stopped. Becky removed her hands from her head, hoping that the voices weren't playing a trick on her, all was silent. Nothing could be heard exept Becky's breathing and the ticking of the clock in the front room. It all grew very eerie in the house. Then a single voice in Becky's head whispered to her.

"You know if  felt good when you stabbed that little girl in the stomach." Becky recognised the voice, it was Jeff's voice. Becky wanted it to go away, "Shut up! Leave me alone," she commanded. But Jeff continued, "You know you want to do it again. You feel something, like an urge to do it. Don't worry, there are loads of people out there. They think they've been through the worst things ever but they don't know what you've been through. They don't understand. Finish what I started."  The voice tried to convince Becky. Becky didn't fall for it. She would never want to harm anyone. "No, I'm not like you Jeff," she replied. But Jeff's voice disagreed. "Yes you are. You have the same feeling I have. It's in our blood. No-one knows what you've been through Becky, they never will know." Becky just sat there, silent. Jeff's voice then faded away with one, last sentence. "They took Baxter away from you, no-one understands you, they all deserve to die." Then Becky took some time to think. Jeff was right.  Someone out there did take Baxter away from her, they have to pay for what they did. But there was one problem, Becky didn't know who it was that killed Baxter. Also, she doesn't want to make them pay by threatening to kill them. "No, there has to be another way," Becky thought.

Another idea came into her mind, but she doesn't want to go around killing people's pet dogs for revenge, since she was an animal lover. She started to think that the only way to take revenge was to kill people. Maybe if she found out who killed Baxter, she would kill them and not make everyone else, who was innocent, suffer. But, how was Becky supposed to find out who killed Baxter? She only left him for a minute and when she came back, he was lying there dead on the floor. It looked he had been stabbed in the stomach. She tried to get the idea of killing people out of her head. She thought that taking a walk outside will get the idea out of her head. She got up, took the knife and put it in the pocket of her jacket, and walked out of the house. Suddenly, her left eye started to twitch.

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