The face of a killer...

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Becky sat down on the sofa, she couldn't believe what just happened. All this time she thought someone out there was gonna have to pay for killing Baxter. But all along, she was the one who did it. The girl didn't want to believe any of this, but if her dead dog told her she was the one who killed him, she had to believe it. Baxter wouldn't lie to her. She started to feel angry with herself because of what she'd done. She started talking to herself, "What's wrong with me?" Her voice started to break as she spoke, "What the hell is happening to me?" Becky tried to think of why she didn't have any memory of killing Baxter. But nothing was coming to her. Voices spoke all at once in her head again. Becky was really getting fed up of everything. She didn't know why she kept hearing voices. She put her hands over her ears to try and block them out, but that didn't work. Maybe Becky was going crazy.

The young girl was getting sick of her life. Ever since what happened a few months ago, she hasn't had anything but bad luck. Not even the slightest good thing was happening to her. Why was she all of a sudden hearing voices in her head, why did it feel good when she killed people and why did she like the metallic taste of blood? She suddenly started to feel like she was going to throw up. She hurried to the upstairs bathroom and vomited in the toilet. The reaction of throwing up caused her eyes to water. Just when she thought she was alright, she threw up again and again. Three times in a row, the girl was sick. She started to feel light headed. But she didn't faint, maybe it was just because she was constantly throwing up.

Now she felt ok. She wasn't feeling sick anymore. She flushed the chain and put the toilet seat down and rested her head on it. She took some deep breaths with her eyes closed to calm herself down. Once she was calm, the young girl opened her eyes. She saw her reflection in the mirror looking back at her. There was something different about it though. It frightened Becky but she couldn't be bothered moving. In the reflection was her face, as pale as a ghost. Her eyelids were burned off and there was that smile. Dripping with fresh blood. This wasn't Jeff she was seeing, this was herself. Her reflection was ominously smiling back at her. Was this supposed to mean something to Becky? The girl closed her eyes once more and drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Becky woke up in her bedroom. Why was she constantly waking up in a different place each time she fell asleep? Maybe she was sleepwalking. But Becky has never sleepwalked before. Well, she couldn't remember if she did. She was still in the same clothes that she was wearing. She took her clothes off and pulled out her Bambi top from her sliding wardrobes. She pulled out a pair of blue skinny jeans then she brushed her hair. Her wardrobes were mirrored and she looked at herself. It was her normal reflection looking back at her. Becky was relieved. Maybe she was just seeing things when she saw that ominous reflection of herself looking back at her. She looked out of the window, it was nice and sunny outside and she couldn't see the slightest hint of there being a breeze. She walked downstairs and opened the door. There was a flock of wood pigeons on the grassland, just nestling. The young girl wasn't surprised since it was a hot day. She took a step out and smelt the fresh air, feeling like it was going to be a good day today. But she knew that wouldn't last long.

Since it was hot outside, Becky thought she should just sit on the grass near the pigeons, without scaring them off. She walked out and sat down quite close to them. But they didn't fly off. After about five minutes of sitting and relaxing, the pigeons flew off as three girls walked past. They looked at Becky, who was now looking back at them with no expression on her face. From their faces, Becky thought they were snobs. She hated snobby people, they think they're better than everyone else, which was what she recalled Jeff saying. One of the girls, who was wearing a pink dress and had long, blond hair said to her friends, "I wonder who this is. We haven't seen her around here before." The other girls looked at each other then at Becky."I wonder who she is Emily," said one of the girls. "Where d'ya live," one of the girls asked. Becky pointed towards her house. The snobby girls had disgusted looks on their faces. "Eww, you live there for real. I wouldn't dare. Not after what I heard happened there." Becky started to feel angry and stood up. "That's my home. No matter what happens there, it'll always be where I live." Becky said. Emily smirked and chuckled. "You don't scare me, or the girls. If you're wanting to scare someone why don't you just go and chase some birds, you know like a dog is supposed to do." The other girls burst out laughing. They both gave the girl a high five.

Rage was building up inside of Becky. They made a big mistake. "Putting people down makes you feel like you're better than everyone else doesn't it, you snobby brat." Becky replied. The two girls looked at the Emily whilst gasping. The girl looked at Becky, with an angry expression on her face. "If you're looking for an ugly person, all you need to do is look in the mirror and see if it cracks. Only then you will find out who the real dog is." Becky said. Emily had never felt more than angry, but she tried to keep calm. "Like I said, you don't scare me. You're not scary, and I'm not going to waste my time with a freak like you." Becky stayed calm, she didn't let it show that Emily was getting to her. She continued, "Now I'm gonna go and live my life now. You go back to where you belong, back at the circus, you clown." Then, Emily and her friends walked off. Becky watched them and said to herself, "I'm not scary huh?" She turned around to walk back to house and said, "Just wait, you'll see how scary I am."

Becky went back into her house, grabbed a knife from the kitchen and went upstairs into the bathroom. Without hesitating, Becky slowly put the blade of the knife to her face, right where the corners her mouth were. She slowly started to cut into her face. There was lots of pain, but Becky ignored it. She cut up her cheek and stopped. Fresh blood was dripping from her mouth, she then started doing the same thing to the other side. Slowly, she cut up her cheeks down stopped in the same place she stopped on the other side. She then dropped the knife. There, in the reflection, was the smile. Becky then couldn't believe what she done, but for some reason, she liked the way it looked. To her it looked right to her. She saw a lighter out the corner of her eye. She knew what she was going to with it. But she knew it would cause her more pain than the cut. Jeff's voice spoke again, "Do it Becky, you know you want to. Show how scary you can be. Show them who not to mess with when they see you." Becky grabbed the lighter and switched it on. She took a deep breath and held the lighter to her eyelids until they caught on fire. When they eventually did, she screamed in pain, but she didn't try to put it out. After one whole minute of her eyelids burning she ran the tap and put water on them. The fire was put out and the girl was looking at the floor. She slowly raised her head to look in the mirror. There was the face. No eyelids and a terrifying smile. Becky was no longer able to blink and now, she was always able to smile. Baxter was right, things were going to get better. Becky giggled, then fell on the floor, laughing uncontrollably. Now she had the face of what she really was. The face of a killer.

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