Visions and the first kill...

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The darkness was starting to make Becky really tired. She tried to pull the bandage so that the pain would keep her awake, but the bandage couldn't be pulled any tighter. "Becky? Is that you dear?" said a voice in the darkness. Becky seemed to be more awake as she heard the voice. It was a familiar voice. It was calm and soothing. She saw a woman standing in front of her but it was too dark to see who it was. Becky stood up from the sofa, clutching the kitchen knife in her hand as she was scared about who this woman was. She hadn't been scared of anything until now. The moonlight shone through the window and the woman stepped into the light so Becky could see her face. It was her mother. What Becky was seeing was impossible. "M-mommy?" Becky spoke like she was a little child who had just woke up from a nightmare. "That's right sweetie," her mother replied in the sweetest voice that could melt hearts. "I thought you were... You-" Becky couldn't get her words out as she was shocked. "Shhhh it's ok. You were just having a bad dream that's all. Mommy's fine, see?" Her mother said to calm Becky down. Becky felt tears running down her face. "I'm sorry about what Jeff did to you. I wish I knew that you did believe me all that time." Becky said, with her heart melting because of what Jeff did to her parents. "You don't need to apologise sweetie. It's ok that you didn't know we believed you, we didn't really want you to know. We wanted to keep you safe." Becky then thought that it was all her fault. "It's all my fault. If I hadn't fallen asleep and been so scared this wouldn't of happened." Even though this was Jeff's fault, Becky felt guilty. "Sweetheart, this wasn't your fault at all. You needed to get some sleep anyway, you were so tired and we understood why you didn't want to sleep. The only thing that you killed us with, was your kindness." Becky was in tears as she thought that she was the one who got her parents killed. "I'm gonna go and check on your father, you just get some rest." Becky's mother then layed her child down on the sofa and gave her a blanket to keep her warm. "Go to sleep." Becky then looked at her mother. "Wait... Wait, what did you say?" Becky asked. Her mother turned around and gave her a heartwarming smile and then disappeared. Was that some sort of a ghost? Was her mind playing tricks on her? Becky had that last loving memory of her mother in her mind. Then suddenly, the door burst open and Jeff ran towards Becky and stabbed her in the stomach. He ripped her guts out and threw them to the other end of the room whilst laughing like a maniac.

Becky woke up screaming and she put her hand on her stomach. She was ok, but she was very confused. She couldn't remember falling asleep. It all seemed so real to her. She wished it was real, she would be able to see her mother again. She sat up on the sofa, wiping the sweat from her head. Suddenly, the house phone rang. The girl was startled by the noise as it was all dark in the house and nothing was to be heard until it started ringing. "Who the hell could that be?" Becky asked herself. She got up from the sofa and walked over to the phone. The little light on the phone showed the name of who was calling. Becky recognised the name as she read it, Baxter. She picked up the phone, without hesitating, and spoke into it. "Hello? Hello? Baxter?" There was no answer so she put the phone down. It started ringing again so she picked it up once more. "Hello?" Then a voice spoke into the phone that surprised her. "Hello Becky." Becky gasped as she heard her own dog talking to her on the phone. "Baxter? Is that really you?" The voice on the phone spoke back. "It's really me my friend. It's so nice to hear your voice." Becky started tearing up as she was talking with Baxter. "I wish I could see you. I would love to see your face again. I'm sad every time I think about you." Baxter spoke in a soothing voice. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm in a better place now." The young girl cried with delight. Then, the phone hung up. "Baxter? Hello? Hello?" She slowly put the phone down in shock. Was she really talking to her dog, or was this just another dream? Becky walked back over to the sofa and before she sat down, she noticed a picture of Baxter on the wall. As Becky had grown a bit taller, she was able to reach the photo and took it down. With her eyes focused on the picture, she sat down. A tear fell from her eyes and onto the photo of Baxter. She then held the picture close to her chest in her arms. This made Becky know that Baxter will always be in her heart. She heard a voice coming from behind her. "Don't cry sis." Becky shot up on her feet and looked behind her. It was Jeff. Becky wasn't scared to see his face. "You heard what the dog said, he's in a better place now," Jeff said. Becky closed her eyes and counted to five. Jeff disappeared. "I'm still here," Jeff whispered from behind. The girl gasped and turned to look behind her. Then she started to slowly walk backwards. "You're not much of a screamer are you," Jeff asked whilst holding his knife close to his chest. "You're not real. You're only in my head," she said believing that Jeff wasn't really there. "Oh really?" Jeff asked as he didn't believe Becky, then he started walking towards her. Becky walked backwards and backed up against a wall. Jeff got really close to her but Becky didn't close her eyes like she would've done if she was scared. Then he grabbed her right arm and rolled up the sleeve. He saw the cut Becky had made to keep her awake.

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