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Becky found her way out of the hospital. She took care of the doctor and the nurse back in the morgue. She didn't like what the doctor said. She knew that he was implying that she was no longer human. That she was a monster. It was still raining outside. All she had to do now was to find Olivia and Toby, the ones who set her on fire, the ones who destroyed her home. The rain wasn't going to stop her, she'd do anything just to have their blood. So what if Toby knew her? It doesn't mean that he could find a way to stop her and realise what she's doing. He might know something about her, but he doesn't know everything. What she's been through, no one understands how much suffering she did. It was just like Jeff said, no one understands her and they all deserve to die. However, Becky was confused about something. How did she end up surviving that fire? Also, how did she not have a single burn mark on her? She didn't have time to think about that, all she had time to think about was revenge. She suddenly felt lucky, there in the distance was Olivia and Toby. Becky was full of rage but was excited for the moment when she's going to make them feel sorry for what they did to her. She started to walk up to them, but was crouching down so they couldn't see her. They were heading for a house that was just outside a park. There were loads of bins, but Becky took advantage of them and hid behind them so she couldn't be seen. Becky remembered the saying, 'revenge is a dish best served cold.' It was the perfect saying for the cold blooded killer, but not as perfect as 'go to sleep.' Once they entered the house, she knew that they would be heading to the bedroom. It was a good thing that the roof was also slanted because Becky could easily climb it like she did with Emily's house. Becky was so glad that she was dead. She was happy to think that her soul was rotting in hell. Once she got to the window, the bedroom was empty. From the look of it, she could tell it was Toby's room. The door suddenly opened and Becky pulled back against the wall. She had to think of a way to get inside. An idea popped in her head so she climbed down and ran to the front door.

"Are you happy now? Do you finally feel safe now," Toby asked Olivia as they sat down on his bed. She nodded and replied, "I really am. There's nothing for me to worry about now that she's dead." Suddenly, the door knocked downstairs. "Who the hell could that be at this time of night," Toby asked. It knocked again. "I'll go and see who it is. You stay here," Toby said as he got up from the bed. He went downstairs and opened the door. There was no one there. He heard a noise come from the side of his house, he went to check it out. Becky ran down the other side of the house and snuck in before he came back. She went upstairs but didn't go into Toby's room. However, Olivia heard a creak coming from outside the room. She didn't want to but she went to see what it was, maybe it was Toby and he came back. "T-Toby," she asked as she slowly walked out the room. She stuttered as she was scared. There was no answer. She got to the top of the stairs and saw that the door was still open, she realised Toby hadn't come back in yet. Suddenly, Becky's hand went over her mouth and she held the knife to her neck, she whispered, "Shhh." However, she didn't kill her. She waited for Toby to come back. Olivia was so scared that tears fell down her cheek. Toby realised that no one was around his house so he went back inside and closed the door. He went back upstairs and saw Becky and Olivia. Toby didn't know what to do. He started to breathe heavier. He then tried talking to Becky, get her to stop. "Becky wait, I know you don't remember me, but I went to your school a long time ago. I remember you very well, we used to be mates. It's Toby. We used to always have a laugh together and I remember your friends, Amy and Jamila. They used to always say that I had feelings for you." Becky's head tilted to the side but she didn't say anything. She then suddenly started to have flashbacks. She remembered being friends with a boy. He was called Toby, this was the boy she was friends with. She then came back to reality and Toby continued to talk, "I do understand what you've been through Becky. You've been on the news with a stab wound. You looked like you were slowly dying. Ever since I saw you on the news, I've been wishing that things get better for you. Look what you've become now."

Becky slowly took the knife away from Olivia's throat. But suddenly she said, "You lie." She stuck the blade of the knife in Olivia's throat. She hated liars. Blood was spilling everywhere and Becky then stabbed Olivia in the stomach. "NO!" Toby was heartbroken to see Olivia like this. A single tear fell down his eye but he wiped it away. Then he ran downstairs for the house phone to call the police. Becky dropped the body and stood staring at it. "Looks like your boyfriend couldn't save you. At least now you can go to sleep without worrying about anything," she said then she started laughing. Toby ran back up the stairs and made sure Becky couldn't get away until the police arrived. However there was a bad thing to do. She looked at him and said, "Time for you to go to sleep, lover boy." She started walking towards him but she stopped as he said, "Wait, there's something I have to tell you. I used to like you Becky. Those things that your friends said were true. You were kind to me. You were the one I could trust." Becky sniggered and replied, "You think I'm gonna fall for something like that. I know you're lying. I don't like liars, but what I really like is what I do to them. You know, something like this." Becky lashed out at Toby and stabbed him in the stomach, causing him great pain. She loved the sound of people in pain. "Hahahahahaha. You should see the look on your face." Toby had blood coming out of his mouth. He realised that Becky really was a psychopath and nothing was going to stop her from doing what she liked to do. They heard the police car from outside. When the police asked if anyone was home, Toby shouted, "Help me!" The police opened the door downstairs and searched the house. Toby shouted so they came up stairs. Becky tried to make a run for it, but the police were already in the room. "Drop your weapon and put your hands above your head," the officer said. Becky turned around but she didn't do what they said to do. "Drop your weapon now or I'll have to shoot you," the officer said. Becky looked at Toby. Then she felt light headed. Suddenly she collapsed.

Strangely, Becky's eyes were closed. There was no way possible for her to close her eyes. Maybe the killer had died. Or maybe she was waking up from  some dream.

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