Part 13

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"Quenton, can you spare a box of sulfursticks?" David asked.

The older bald man nodded, reached in his pocket and pulled out a small box. "Here you go, Tanner."

David tore a piece of cloth off of bolt. He handed Edge a bottle of the whiskey. "Here, I need you to make a little room in the bottle."

Edge grinned and pulled the cork out with his teeth. He took three drags from the bottle and shuddered. "Damn, that's strong stuff!" He handed it back to David.

Tanner stuffed the cloth into the bottle and handed it to Fyke. "Okay, Corwyn. When that boat comes into range of your throwing arm, tell me, I'll light the cloth, then you throw the bottle."

Fyke nodded. "Aye, but what's going to happen?"

Quenton grinned. "Oh, I've seen this before. Just watch."

The lead boat, carrying a dozen or so men, steadily rowed closer. Fyke glanced up at the Griffon for a second. The main mast cracked and fell to the stern, lighting the deck on fire. He glanced back at the lead boat. If there was one thing he excelled at, it was throwing. "Now, Davey!"

David struck the sulfurstick against the striking patch on the side of the box and lit the rag. "Now, Corwyn!"

Fyke heaved as hard as he could. He watched the bottle sail through the air and strike the center of the lifeboat. It exploded in a burst of fire, engulfing the men and setting the small craft alight. The crew of the Waverunner cheered as the burning pirates dove into the water to douse the flames.

"That's how you do it! Okay, get in your teams, grab a case, and get busy on anyone who comes near!" Tanner said.

Corwyn patted the young Yeoman's back. "Damn, Davey. I am sorry I ever doubted you."

"Not as sorry as Mulligan. I'd wager with this loss, it will be five or six months before he is back on his feet."

They laughed and watched the steady chorus of explosions as boat after boat exploded into balls of fire. They had done the impossible and defeated Black Jack Mulligan.


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