New home

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The rain has begun again and it sounds deafening inside the shed. Water hitting the metal roof sounds like sprays of bullets falling from above.

Alastair gathers his folders, files and papers and tucks them under his arm.
I stand near the door and Alastair approaches me.

"Let's go."

I freeze up for a second. I'm going home with this guy. He is taking me home. I don't know whether to find it weird or good but it's one of those two.

Alastair pushes the door open. He now has his jacket over his arm. Chris and Angus stand behind me, pretty much forcing me out the door.

Alastair gets in the drivers seat and Chris and Angus get in the back. The only "accessible" seat is the front passenger seat. I shyly open the door and sit.

We drive back the same way we came. When we get back into the city, we battle the traffic through the streets until we reach a large modern looking building. It has a large, open glass front.

Angus and Chris get out carrying all of their gear with them. Now, only Alastair and I remain in the car. It's an awkward silence. I don't know what I expect to hear and I don't know if Alastair knows what to say either.

"This is where I work."

He points out the window to a higher floor.

"Floor 16. I think I can actually see my group having a meeting."

We drive across the Harbour Bridge and through the leafy Northern suburbs. We arrive at a very nice looking neighbourhood. Houses that are practically castles. Immaculate gardens. Long driveways. Flash cars.

"You live here?"

"Yes. This one up here."

Alastair points to a house. It's very modern, slightly smaller than the others in the street but I think it's the best looking house around.

He pulls up to the fence gate at the front and presses a button. The gates open and we drive up the driveway and into a large garage.

I don't know what to do. Alastair gets out and looks at me for a second before coming around and opening my door.

"Welcome to your home for a bit."

I get out and walk with Alastair through doorway, quickly disabling and alarm. He places all of his things down on a small bench near the door and we walk into the house. It is incredible.

Polished floor boards, modern interiors, lots of cool tech, tidy, light and overall just a really nice place.

"Three bedroom, four bath-"

"Three bedrooms?"

"Yes. Three bedroom. I have a son."

"Oh sorry continue."

"Four bathrooms, pool, entertaining area and top of the line security system.


"Yes it is, isn't it? And somehow two people manage to live in this mansion."

"Two, sir?"

"Yes. My wife left many years ago. Anyway don't dwell on that."

Alastair folds his sleeves up, loosening his tie and undoing a button or two. He looks over at me.

"Want anything to eat or drink?"

"Can I have some water please, sir?"

He makes a swift turn and heads into the kitchen and returns. He signals to the couch and I sit down opposite him.

"Like I said, I have a son. His name's Xavier. You'll get to meet him soon. He'll either be home later tonight or tomorrow morning. His holidays are about to start for uni so he'll be home a lot."

I smile shyly.

"He's a nice boy. I hope you guys get along. You might be staying here a while."

"Uh. A while? How long is a while?"

"Until your house has been cleaned and had forensics through to see if we can get any DNA from anything and once we know you're safe, you can go back."

I take a drink sip of water. Yep. It might be a while.

"I'll start cooking dinner soon. Anything you need me to know before I start?"

I think he means allergies. I think.

"No, sir."

"Don't call me sir. It makes me feel old."

"Sorry, Mr. Callaghan."

Hate to brag but I do feel as though I was rough up rather proper.

He gives me a small grin and heads into the kitchen. The living room is fully open right to the ceiling of the second floor. The glass stretches from floor to ceiling, showing most of the backyard.

I get a bit more comfortable on the couch and watch the rain trickle down the glass.

I can hear Alastair in the kitchen chopping and cooking. The rain makes a small splat as it hits the glass window. Almost silence once again. It's marvellous.

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