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The weekend passes with nothing eventful. I spend my whole time just thinking about today. It's early; 6am.

I'm driving with Alastair again. We're heading into the city for the meeting today. I'm going to be face to face with someone that did business with my dad. Alastair told me that dad was helping these guys with all sorts of smuggling. Drugs, guns, women, vehicles and anything else with any sort of value.

I'm nervous. Not scared nervous but nervous that I'll get angry and shoot this guy. I guess I'm nervous for whoever I'm meeting.

We call Angus, Chris and the other guys in the task force as we drive. We all know the plan. Park blocks away, split up, walk to where we are meeting, wait and see what happens next. We want this guy arrested not dead.

The whole time I'm questioning the plan. I have no say in it, it's not my job. But I can't help but see a flaw or two.

We get closer to the meeting point.

"Ok everyone knows the plan. Stay safe. Stay alert. Stay alive. Radio silence from here on until further notice. Let's get it guys."

Alastair knows the steaks in this. We all do. He is incredibly calm about the whole thing. We pull into an alley to park the car. He turns off the engine and looks at me.


"In all my years of doing this job, I've only been this nervous once. This is one of the biggest cases that we have handled and with you in the mix, it's going to be interesting. I mean that in the nicest way possible. Let's suit up."

Xavier is coming in on the train. The more we split up and vary our times everything the city, the less suspicious it will look.

Alastair hands me my body armour. It's surprisingly thinner than I thought it would be but still just has heavy. I look totally normal despite weighing an extra 10 kilos or so.

Alastair hands me my earpiece and mic. Both pieces are tiny. The mic is pretty much concealed inside a safety pin. I attach it and put in my earpiece.

Alastair gives me a nod and walks off. I'm hanging back for a while. I stare up to the sky. Buildings crowd my view but it's nice. Cars and people race around at the end of the alley. It's a chilly morning and still kind of early.

Angus is already waiting in place. He has my gun. I brush myself off and take a last deep breath before setting out into the crowds to meet Angus and which ever other prick.

I probably look weird constantly staring at people as they walk past and looking over my shoulder every now and then. I pretty sure people have wondered why I make a weird sound as I walk past them and as the Kevlar plates hit against each other.

There's an open courtyard between four office buildings. Angus is sitting in the sun at a bench. I scan past him avoiding direct eye contact. I walk around behind him and sit at the opposite end of the bench. It's surprisingly empty around us.

Angus slides his hand between the pages of the newspaper. This was one of the flaws in the plan. He removes his hand and walks away without a word. I wait a minute or so before quickly picking up the gun and holstering on the waistband of my pants. Not the best spot for it but ehhh, it's something.

I check my watch. 7:13. 7:30 is when we are meeting. I'm constantly scanning around, looking at the people entering and leaving the courtyard. Looking at what they're doing and how they do it.

Almost right on 7:30 a tall man walks into the courtyard. Dark hair and dark features. Olive skin. Dressed mostly in black. He holds eye contact from the second he lays eyes on me.

Alastair pipes up through my earpiece. He's in a nearby building watching.

"Target is approaching. All units be on high alert."

I take one last look around and take note of who the agents are. 6 agents close by and from what I remember there are 3 agents in each of the buildings lobby's. That's 18 agents close if the shit hits the fan.

The man shows his empty hands to me and turns around. To show me his body before sitting down next to me.

"I know things. I know you are Charlotte Gallagher. You are the daughter of Anthony and Olivia Gallagher. I know where you lived. I know where you are currently living. I know you are living with Alastair and Xavier Callaghan. I know you are armed. I know you have an earpiece and a mic on you and I know there armed guards in this courtyard and in these buildings. My name is Alex and I personally executed your mother and your father. And if you incorrectly answer any questions or do anything that may alert the guards or a sniper I will execute you too."

My heart is beating uncontrollably out of my chest. I feel like I need to projectile vomit.

"Charlotte stay calm and comply with his requests."

Alastair's voice shakes as he whispers through my earpiece.

"How many armed guards are in the vicinity?"

I don't want to say. But I also don't want to die.

"Six in the courtyard, at least three in each lobby and more positioned around the buildings."



"Do you know why we are meeting?"

"Honestly, I don't. My only guess is as a cover for you to be arrested and for you to kill me too."

"You're good at this. You pick up on things very quickly."

He pauses. Alastair pipes up again.

"You're doing well. Keep calm. Be honest. Xavier's just arrived. He's with me. Just letting you know."

Alex turns to me.

"Come with me. Right now. Let's go."

I whisper under my breath.

"Ugh fuckkkkk. Not good."

"Charlotte just go with him. We are right behind you."

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