Chapter Twenty

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     The road seemed to go on forever, and my calves began burning a mile back. I wasn't sure how long it would take for me to stop seeing trees, but I was certain it wouldn't be any time soon. My ears were ringing with all the noises around me. I got even more paranoid with every blowing wind, or bird flying by. I was free, but I knew I wasn't safe. 

     What are you doing, a voice in my head screamed at me.

     Turn around!

     Go back!

     "No!" I yelled out loud, my voice echoing through the trees. It was too late to turn back now, I had to keep going.

     I suddenly heard the sound of tires on gravel. My heartbeat sped up when I realized it was coming from the direction of the manor. Without looking back, I ran a few foot into the forest and ducked behind a thick tree, my nails digging into the rough bark as I slowly peeked my head out from behind it. Speeding down the gravel rode, I saw Andrew's black car, the same car that I was tossed into the first night I was brought to the manor. I couldn't see who was behind the wheel, but that didn't matter to me. I was just thankful they didn't spot me before I had a chance to hide.

     Stepping out from behind the tree, I started walking forward, staying closer to the forest this time. If another car happened to appear, I needed to make sure I had time to hide myself. I couldn't have all this hard escape work going to waste.

     I absentmindedly patted my pockets, looking for my cell phone. I needed to check the time, and see if I could get any service out here. When I felt nothing on my person, I pulled the duffle bag around me and looked through it.

     "Shit," I whispered. Andrew must still have my phone. Great... My only chance of contacting my mother, or the police, is by stopping at a public place. Problem was, I had no idea where that was, or if I was even close to one.

     Out of frustration, I kicked a piece of gravel hard, watching it fly into a bunch of leaves. 


     The familiar sound of a branch popping and snapping sounded behind me, and I whirled around, trying to breath quietly. I saw nothing in the trees. I wanted so badly to tell myself it was just a deer or even a bear, but I knew better than that. I knew there was someone out there, zoning in on me. And now that they had me alone, and unprotected, it was fair game.

     Why did you leave, Lena! Why! You're so stupid! the voice in my head continued to scream.

     Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

     I spun back around and ran as fast as I could away from my potential predator. I was suddenly praying that I would see Andrew's car again, or anyone's car, anyone that could scoop me up and take me back to the manor, where I'd be safe again. My inner dialogue continued cussing at me as I kept running, my legs feeling like jelly, but I didn't stop. I didn't dare stop.

     My chest was tight and I was huffing and puffing when my body could finally take no more. I stopped running and turned around, seeing nothing and no one behind me. I let out a strangled scream of frustration and grabbed handfuls of my hair, feeling my eyes burn with fresh tears. What had I gotten' myself into? Now I wasn't even sure if someone was really hiding in the forest, waiting to snatch me up, or if I had just imagined it.

     That's it, the voice in my head said. You just imagined it. Keep walking. Keep going. You'll find yourself somewhere soon enough. You'll be back home before you know it.

     And God, I wanted to believe that was true so badly that it hurt. I wanted nothing more in that moment than to just be back with my mom and two siblings, safe and sound at home, in my own bed, where I could sleep without being awoken by a vampire, or where I could walk out of my front door freely without being scolded about it. Freedom. That's what I wanted.

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