Chapter Twenty-One

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     I kicked. I screamed. I bit. I punched. I banged on the windows. They just sat there, staring ahead at the road. They didn't even acknowledge me. The man in the driver seat silently drove, not taking his eyes off the road. He had black hair so black, it was almost blue, even in the darkness, that came down to his neck. He wore a black leather jacket, and had a silver ring on his right thumb. In the rear view mirror, I could see his eyes, a deep, dark blue. 

     The white-haired mystery man, who I recently learned was named Kyle, sat in the seat next to me, his hand on my knee. I had calmed down, but I wasn't calm. My heart was beating at a mile a minute, and the voice in my head was screaming to me that I was going to die. I didn't want to die. I was way too young. But I knew wherever these men were taking me, it wasn't to dinner or a movie. They had something planned.

     My palms began sweating as I stared at the window, watching more trees rush by. I knew we weren't going down the gravel road that led to the manor, but something inside me was hoping for that. That little bit of hope was squashed like a bug when we turned sharply onto a road that was only visible by the tire tracks in the dirt. We were definitely going somewhere secluded, somewhere private, where no one could find me or hear my screams.

     No, stop it. Don't do that to yourself, I thought. This isn't the end. You can fight this. I shook the thoughts from my head and continued staring out the window. Did I have the courage, or even the physical strength, to fight these men? If all the stories were true, and at this point I wasn't doubting it, then they're vampires.

     I had been hesitant about believing the whole vampire thing when Alex first told me about it, but at this point I didn't think anyone would go through so much trouble to acquire me if it were just a game.

     I didn't think these men were playing, and my thoughts were confirmed when we pulled up to what looked like a wooden shack nestled in the trees. The warm glow of a candle lit one of the small front windows. What should have been comforting now just struck me with dread. I didn't want to go into that shack. Every bone in my body was screaming at me that once I went in there, I would never come out. Not alive, at least.

     "Where are we?" I asked, finally breaking the painful silence. Kyle cleared his throat and looked over at the driver, as if inaudibly asking permission to tell me anything. The man nodded his head and Kyle cleared his throat again.

     "Middle of the woods. Can't you tell?" he asked. What would have been an obviously sarcastic comment sounded completely serious coming from his mouth, as if he actually wanted to know if I could tell that we were in the woods or not.

     "I can tell. I mean, where are we, location-wise?" I asked again. I was trying my best not to sound annoyed, or panicked. I wanted them to think I wasn't scared, but I didn't want to say or do anything that would tick them off. Last thing I needed was to upset my kidnappers. The longer I could stall, the better.

     "We're still in Oregon, don't worry," the driver said. Kyle stared at him.

     "I thought we couldn't tell her our location, Jack." So, the face has a name. Jack turned back to look at Kyle.

     "She knows what state we're in, big whoop. She can't do anything with that information."

     "And what makes you so sure? She almost blew all our plans back at the bar," said Kyle. Jack chewed his lip and turned back around, putting the SUV into park before letting out a sigh.

     "We're in the middle of the woods, Kyle. She's been walking for two hours without food or water, she's exhausted and probably scared shitless. I don't think she's gonna' try anything," he said, glancing at me in the rear view mirror. I looked away. Jack opened his door and got out of the car. I waited for Kyle to get out behind him, but he stayed in his seat.

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