Truth or Dare

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An hour later, the team had finally gotten everything set up. Sleeping bags and pillows were in the living room, pop was in the fridge, and ice cream was in the freezer. It would have been done in half the time, except that every time Ziva set something down, Tony would pick it up and move it to the opposite end of the room. Gibbs had to step in when Ziva began to look like she was contemplating which of her 18 paper clip methods would be the most painful. Tony didn't enjoy the head slap, but Gibbs knew it was far less painful than whatever Ziva had planned.
The team was currently sitting in Gibbs living room eating pizza.
"Thanks for bringing dinner Tim, I appreciate it." Gibbs said.
"No problem Boss, happy to help."
"So, what're we gonna do first?" Abby asked eagerly.
"Well as soon as we're finished the pizza, we have to do the dishes." Said Gibbs.
"But Boss," Tony groaned. "We're eating off of paper plates!"
"I know," said Gibbs, standing up from his spot on the couch and popping the last of his sausage and pepperoni pizza in his mouth. He threw his now empty paper plate into the fireplace, and watched it go up in flames. "Dishes are done." He said smugly, looking back at Tony.
Everyone laughed and followed his lead, tossing their plates into the fire.
"Alright Ellie, I think it's time to make your pillow case and get the night started!"
About 20 minutes later, Eleanor (along with help from the rest of the team) had made a beautiful blue plaid pillow case. She had explained that it was the same tartan as her old kilt, Royal Longniddry.
"Alright, now what do we want to do?" McGee asked.
"Well it is only 6 o'clock, so we have plenty of time before bed." Ziva explained.
        "Truth or Dare!" Abby squealed.
        "Abby..." Gibbs growled.
        "Oh c'mon Gibbs!" Eleanor pleaded. "It'd be so fun!"
        "Yeah! Loosen up a little Silver Fox." Teased Abby.
        Gibbs glared at the girls.
        "I'm not sure how much I like the two of you ganging up on my like this." He grumbled. "Besides, I'm sure the Director wouldn't want us playing a game that could cause so much drama, isn't that right Director?" He looked
pointedly at Jenny.
        "Oh, I don't know Jethro, I think it could be fun." She said smugly, raising an eyebrow.
       "So it's settled then," stated Tony. "Our night is starting off with Truth or Dare!"
The group of seven then moved into a circle. Abby was sitting between Gibbs and Jenny on the couch. On the chair to their right was Tony, and Ziva, Eleanor, and Tim were sitting on the floor, completing the circle.
"Okay, who's going first?" Tony asked.
"Me!" Abby squealed and threw her hand up.
"Okay Abbs, you can go first." Said Tony.
"Okay... umm... Ziva!" Abby turned to look at the Israeli. "Truth or dare?"
"Truth." Ziva responded.
"What was your first nickname?" Abby asked.
Then, the MCRT saw something they'd never seen before. Ziva David blushed.
She quietly muttered a Hebrew word no one else could understand.
"What's the English translation?" Jenny asked.
"That is not important."
"Oh c'mon Zee-Vah. Tell us." Tony teased.
"Unless the rules of this game have been lost in translation, I believe you get one question. I have answered your question, move on." Ziva snapped.
A quiet snicker came from the couch, and everyone turned to look at Abby.
"Something you'd like to share with the class Abbs?" Tony asked.
"I, uh, I looked up the English translation."
"Well? What is it?" Tim pried.
"Abby..." Ziva warned.
"It means hamster." Abby laughed.
Ziva groaned and buried her head under the pillow that was on the floor beside her. The team laughed and looked over at Ziva.
"So Ziva, tell us. How did our favourite ninja get the nick name 'hamster'?" Asked Eleanor.
By this point, Zivas face was as red as Abby's lipstick.
        "One night, when I was very little," Ziva began. "We were having dinner. I was frustrated that my fork would not hold as many peas as I wanted, so I began to use my hands. My Ima made a comment about how I looked like a hamster eating with my hands. The nickname stuck, and even after Ima passed away, Abba would still occasionally refer to me as his hamster." She smiled, but her eyes were sad as she recalled the bittersweet memory to the team.
"Awww! Ziva that's so cute!" Abby sighed, placing a hand over her heart.
"Yeah Zee-vah, that's a pretty cute nickname..." Tony taunted, stretching out Zivas name.
"Anthony DiNozzo, if I ever hear you call me that, you will be a dead man." She threatened.
"Alright, alright, let's move on with the game. It's your turn Zi." Eleanor attempted to regain control of the game.
"Okay, Jenny. Truth or dare?"
"Dare." She said with a smirk.
"Ooh, Madame Director, the first one to take a real risk." Teased Tony.
        "Ellie..." Jenny sighed.
        Eleanor understood Jenny's signal and promptly reached up, swiftly Gibbs-Smacking DiNozzo on the back of the head.
        Everyone shared a small chuckle, even Tony, before the game continued.
        "Hmm... Dare..." Ziva began to think aloud. "I dare you... to do a handstand against the wall."
         "But.. Ziva... she's in a skirt!" McGee sputtered.
        "Relax Timmy, I'll hold it up." Abby giggled.
        Jenny and Abby stood up, getting ready to complete Zivas dare.
Gibbs sat there, mildly surprised to know that the normally so professional Director was actually about to do a handstand in his living room. He was snapped out of his trance by the sound of Eleanor and Tony cheering, and looked over to see Jenny propped up against the wall. Fiery red locks of hair were falling in front of her face, but through them Gibbs could see the beaming smile across her face.
Jenny kicked back down and landed gracefully on her feet, a laugh escaping her lips.
She fixed her hair as she walked back over to the couch and sat down.
        "Pretty good trick ya got there, Jen."
        "Thank you Gibbs." She smiled. "I believe it's my turn now."
        Jenny scanned the room, looking for who she could make squirm the most.
"Me?!?" The younger agent jumped.
"Yes, truth or dare Agent McGee?"
"Um... truth?" His answer sounded more like another question.
Jenny smirked at the man before asking her question.
        "I've heard that you said you're scared of me, is that true?"
        McGees cheeks instantly flushed a crimson shade.
        "Well, no... I mean, sort of, I guess, maybe..." he sputtered, his eyebrows furrowing. "I mean maybe I said that, but I didn't mean it in a bad way, it's less of a fear, more of-"
        Jenny cut him off.
        "Relax Tim, I was just teasing you. I understand what you mean. I'm just messing with you." She soothed, hints of laughter in her voice. "And besides, it's a good thing if my agents are at least a little scared of me." She said with a wink.
The team could see Tims muscles relax, and he let out a puff of air.
"You really made me squirm there Director, well done."
"Please McGee, we're off duty. You can call me Jenny." She warmly smiled.
        "Well Jenny, you got me good." McGee chuckled. "Getting back to the game, Tony. Truth or dare?"
        "Dare, Probie."
        McGee thought for a minute before smirking.
"I dare you to kiss the person directly on your right."
Tony looked to his right and saw Ziva. Though he'd never admit it, he felt his cheeks flush hot for a brief second. He glanced around, to see if anyone noticed, and let out a quiet sigh of relief when he noticed he was home free. He didn't notice Eleanor's knowing smirk.
"I'm not sure that's such a good idea McGeek, we don't want Ziva being all over me for the rest of the night." He said smugly.
Ziva scoffed, rolling her eyes at the Senior Field Agent.
"Oh please Tony, if anyone is all over anyone, it would most definitely be you." She protested indignantly.
"Ms. David, you wound me," Tony gasped, dramatically putting his hand up to his heart.
The rest of the team looked on, trying to stifle laughs over the two bickering agents.
"I'm clearly the heartthrob, I'm mean look at this smile." Tony chuckled, smiling wide.
        "You really think you would be able to get over me quickly? You are sourly mistaken."
       "Sorely Ziva, sorely mistaken." DiNozzo corrected.
        Ziva rolled her eyes, and before anyone could process what was happening, she had leaned over and kissed Tony. Three seconds later, they broke apart.
        Abby grabbed on to Jenny's hand, and the two of them stared at each other. Gibbs' eyes were focused on Ziva and Tony, the wheels in his head turning. Eleanor was trying to keep from grinning too widely, while McGees eyes looked like saucers. DiNozzos jaw was hanging slightly open, and his eyes were wide enough to rival McGees. Ziva looked smug, with the faintest of blushes rising in her cheeks. The team sat in silence, everyone too afraid to say anything.
        "Um, it's uh, it's your turn Tony." Eleanor prompted.
        This seemed to snap Tony out of his trance, and he looked up at everyone.
        "Huh?" He asked.
        "Truth or Dare DiNozzo." Jenny whispered, leaning over.
        "Oh, um, right. Uh, Eleanor. Truth or Dare?" Tony was beginning to regain his composure, finally getting the game back on track.
         "Truth." She squinted her eyes slightly, a little concerned as to what DiNozzo might have in store for her.
        "What was your first pet?"
        "Actually Tony," Eleanor began. "I've never had a pet. But I've always wanted a dog." At the end of her sentence, Eleanor let out a yawn.
        Gibbs noticed this, and spoke up.
        "I think it's time to do something that requires a little less thinking." He suggested. "How about a movie?"
        "Sounds good to me." Replied Jenny, and the rest of the team nodded in agreement.

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