Chapter 4

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"Like I said before," the Doctor continues, "I am the doctor. I'm a Timelord from the planet Gallifrey, and the TARDIS is my time machine. I'm a time traveler, and I can

travel through space too. Those things we just ran from are Daleks, and they were trying to turn you into one of them."

"So you're an alien."

"Yea, basically."

"Well, name is Piper Riley. I'm 13, have been through 6 foster homes, 7 schools, and have been diagnosed with ADHD, Dyslexia, and Depression."

"Well, that's a depressing backstory." the doctor smiles.

"Yep, it is."

The Doctors face suddenly becomes angry.

"And a convincing one, too."

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"Oh, don't play stupid with me." He growls.

"What? I-I..." The doctor cuts me off by pointing his stick at me and making it glow. It makes the high pitched whirring sound again. He sticks by his face and laughs.

"I KNEW IT!" he screams, turning to me, "You aren't human!"

I can feel my face get hot. How does he know? He can't know!

"I am 100% human!" I scream unconvincingly.

"Not according to my sonic! You are only 50% human! Now," the doctor puts his face right up against mine, "what's the other 50%? Why did the Daleks want you?"

"I don't know! I'm still trying to let all of this sink in! I don't know what's going on, or where I am, but I'm tired, it's Friday, it's Spring Break and I NEED TO SIT AND THINK!"

"Ok," the doctor murmurs, "fine. Go through the door over there and you'll find a room. You can sleep there."

"Fine." I march to my room and collapse in the bed. I need to sleep.

I wake up the next morning feeling woozy. What happened? I feel a little sick, but it's probably just a side affect of yesterday's events. I dress myself in an orange t-shirt and baggy jeans, and pull my hair back in a ponytail. I walk out of the room to see the doctor hunched over a variety of levers and buttons.

There are a bunch of clicking and whirring sounds coming from his direction. I notice a needle filled with what looked like blood attached to the TARDIS.

" that my blood?" I hesitate.

"Yes! I took a sample of your blood while you slept." the Doctor grinned.

I give him a disgusted look.


"Never mind that. Any minute now. I will know what you are." As if on cue, the TARDIS dings.

"Thank you!" The doctor says. Maybe he's talking to the TARDIS. He rips a sheet off of the machine thing and quickly scans it. His expression becomes softer.

"You''re half god?" He asks.

"What? No I'm not! The TARDIS must be malfunctioning or something..." I lie.

"The TARDIS never lies. So which god is it? Zeus? Hades? Hephaestus?"



"My dad is Apollo. Greek god of music, the arts, and healing."

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