Chapter 7

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The inspiration for the second part of this chapter was from a Doctor Who comic. ((IT WAS AWESOME))


The Doctor's hand was gripped tightly around mine as he pulled me from the eery glow.

We ran for what seems like hours, but was probably only minutes. By the time we reached the TARDIS at the end of the ship, I was wheezing and out of breath. Panting, I open the door and fall in. I don't dare to get up. The pain ignored earlier is catching up with me now. I stay on the floor, not moving a limb. The doctor walks past me as if I were resting pet. He takes off his Suade jacket and throws it over his shoulder. He hunches over the control center of the TARDIS and sighs heavily.



"You said you'd explain later," I huff, "It's later."

The doctor sighs again. "Regeneration is a process in which a Timelord re-writes every cell in his or her body, so they appear as a completely different person. It only happens when they die of old age, or any other wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff."

" cheat death? The fates must really have it out for you," I laugh in an attempt to cheer him up, even though that sounds a little depressing. He remains emotionless. In that moment, I could feel the awkward in the air. "Now that I think about it, that reminds me of ambrosia. It's the nectar if the gods but it can only really cure illness. I mean, you could have it, but you would burst into flames and die."

"Oh. Pleasant." The Doctor half-laughs. I lift myself up as the pain numbs, but am jerked back down again as the TARDIS suddenly thrusts.

"Oh, no nO NO!" the doctor yells, "Come on!"


"You! That's what! The TARDIS can't handle having the presence of a god inside of it!"

"Then where are we going?" I question wearily.

The doctor looked at me with a sense of fear in his eyes that made him seem human.

"I don't know."


I respond with a moment of silence. I feel a sharp pain in my chest as the TARDIS jerks again. After several turns of thrusting and shaking, the TARDIS lands, making its familiar and welcoming wheezing.

"Stay back," The doctor says, shoving me aside and opening the door to step outside. I ignore his comments, grabbing a sword I saw out of the corner of my eye and walking after him. We've landed I'm what looks like a world of comic book characters. There are a lot of odd costumes and people here, but they all appear human. They're all crowded around the TARDIS, murmuring excitedly among each other. Most are staring at the doctor. There's a giant sign that reads:


"D-doctor," I mutter so that hopefully only he could hear, "Where in Hades are we?"

"Hades?!" A voice towards the front of the crowd shouts, "Like the god? You're in the Percy Jackson Fandom and you're a Whovian?"

"What's a fandom? A-and what's a Whovian?"

A wave of murmurs rises out of the crowd again. I grab my camp half blood t shirt and grip it tightly.

The doctor turns to me and grips my shoulders. "Piper, we landed in another dimension."

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