Chapter 13

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"Piper! It's me!" one of them screams.

"Oh, are you really gonna believe him? You're smarter than that," The other one sighs.

"I don't know! I am so confused, just stop! Just turn back before I go insane!"

The second one to talk walks up to me, but makes a left, circling behind the TARDIS. When he comes back around, the creature once again resembles me. I groan, readying my sword.

"Oh, you're not so tough," it laughs. "You've got a lot a dramatic memories! It's a little depressing, but a weak point's a weak point"

"What are you talking about?" I sneer.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just looking through your memory archives. Oo! You even faked your death! Very nice!"

"Shut up!"

"Piper, calm down." The doctor says, "Don't give in."

"Well then what are we going to do about it?" I scream, "I'm not just gunna let it sit here and search through my secrets and weak points!"

"Piper," he sighs, "What are you holding in your hands?"

I sigh. I grasp my sword and strike the creature, watching it fall and return to its original form.

"Hmph. Teach you to duplicate me," I joke, holding back a sob.

"I'm pretty sure that was the only one. Zygons are all over the place."


"I'll explain later. Do you want a picnic, or not?"

"Fine, fine," I laugh, sitting and picking up the pitcher to pour myself a glass of lemonade.

"WAIT! DON'T DRINK THAT!" The doctor snaps.

"I was right?"


"Ew," I gasp, setting the pitcher by the TARDIS.


"So do you think we're meeting all these creatures because they smell my blood?" I ask, my mouth half fu of apple.

"Most likely, yes," the doctor replies, shoving a fish finger in his mouth. "So I don't really know that much about you."


"Ok. Tell me about yourself."

"Oh. I live in a Foster home, and I have been in and out of 6 homes total. I go to boarding school, and my Mom is dead. There's not really much more to me," I sigh, "Unfortunately. Ok, your turn."

"Well, I'm a Timelord, from the planet Gallifrey. I'm the last of my kind, it's a long story. I'm a little over 1000 right now, and on my 11th out of 13th regeneration. And you are the first Demi-God I've ever met."

"Flattered," I sneer sarcastically.

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