Chapter 6

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Hi guys! Just saw how many people are actually reading my stuff and how may votes this got and...


Thanks so much! If you can, drop a comment! I always love feedback, positive or negative...

((Btw, sorry about the wait. Kinda wrote myself into a corner.))


The pulling gets stronger and stronger. I can feel blood flow in my ears. I look up and see the doctor screaming at the master.

"A disgrace!" He yells, "Working with Daleks, torturing humans!? You and me are the two timelords left, and you give the two of us a bad name! You have the chance to change!"

"I had that chance once." The master sighs grimly. "I stayed the way I am for a reason-a reason you of all people should understand."

What? This guys a Timelord too? Are all Timelords British? I don't care, all I can think of is how there's no way I'm surviving this.

I remember a the times I was tormented, all those times I got beat up and teased. I remember how they called me 'hopeless' and 'worthless'.

But then I remember Camp Half-Blood, and all the good times I had there. When I was claimed, when I won capture the flag, the time I accidentally started a food fight and had to clean it up by myself but my friend Lee snuck in to help. Were all those good time for nothing?


They meant something. And I wasn't about to give them up now.

Using all the strength I could muster, I grab the wires on the side of my arm and rip them off. The pain was agonizing, but I ignored it. Slowly, I get up and rip the rest of the wires from my body.

I walk to the glass and pound on it until it breaks. A million tiny pieces if glass fall to the ground in one instance. I pick up the largest shard I can manage, and march up to the Master.

"What are you gonna do to me? Stab me?" He sneers, "You're what, 13? You're just a little girl! You don't have the courage." Enraged, I charge, driving the glass deep into his stomach.

"You forgot," I whisper, "I'm also part god."

I pull the shard from his stomach and watch as he struggles to sustain his life. Suddenly, I remember about the Doctor. I run over, pull a bobby pin from my hair, and pick the lock.

"We need to get out of here before he regenerates!" The doctor yells.

"Before he does what?"


I follow him as he runs through the ship, going left and right and left and right.

I look back for a split second and notice a golden glow.

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