Chapter One (Your P.O.V)

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I knocked on the door and checked my map again to see if I was at the right place. There was a muffled call from inside possibly an "I got it", and a girl with platinum blonde hair appeared. 

"May I help you?" She asked, her large hazel eyes staring into mine. 

"Yes, my name is (Y/N), I'm here to see Miss Peregrine, is she available?" "Oh - em -yes, one moment." She cracked the door, and left, and I couldn't help but hear a strange clunking sound as she stepped. Before she turned a corner, I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be heavy, lead shoes adorned with what almost looked like Victorian designs. I thought for a moment and shrugged it off. She returned with a woman who, aside of her pale skin, easily pulled off a color scheme ranging from jet black to raven blue. 

"Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine?" 

"Yes, and who might you be?" The woman asked in a kind, but cautious manner, removing a pipe from between her lips. 

"(Y/N) Dove. I was told I could take refuge here." 

"By whom, may I ask?" 

"The husband of my orphanage's matron, Mr. Peter Hundwing." 

"Oh, Peter," She said thoughtfully, "Well, in that case come in." I followed her. "And your surname happens to be Dove?" She questioned and I nodded. She led me through the house, up a set of stairs, and into what she said was her study. 

"Emma, I believe you have exactly 33 seconds until the baby squirrel falls out of the tree." 

"Oh - of course." She hurried out of the room. From behind the closed door, I could hear her cry out, "Jake, I need to get the squirrel!"

I looked around. Her study was a  handsome room with oak and leather furniture along with a maroon scheme. 

"So, (Y/N)," Miss Peregrine said, "Do you recall what Peter said to you?" 

"Well, not really, I was more focused on smaller things around me like the rain and such, getting away - I was quite paranoid for some reason, but I remember him handing me this map, and calling me this word, it was really strange..." I thought for a moment, turning my ring over in my hand, and then I looked up at her, "He said good luck, young syndrigast.

"And why do you think he called you that?" 

"I don't know....Well, I can do this thing..." "Would you like to show me?" 

"I don't know, it's kind of..." 

"I think I know what you're talking about. I've not gathered much information about you, but I believe I know where you're headed with this." I arched an eyebrow in confusion. "If I do it, will you do it too?" She asked. I sensed she really did know what I was talking about, she seemed so sure, so I nodded. "On a count of three. One...two...three." We both pivoted, and suddenly, I was looking at a peregrine falcon, the falcon looking back at a spotted dove. We transformed back. 

"You're a bird!" 

"You're a bird too." She said, amused. 

"I know, but I-" 

"You're an ymbryne.

"I thought I was a syndrigast." She smiled. 

"An ymbryne is a type of syndrigast. Can I see that ring you have there?" I was hesitant, but I took it off and studied the little clock face on it. It was 6:28. I dropped it in her hand, and after a moment, I asked if I could have it back. "Oh, of course, I have my own." She held out a pocket watch. "Of what significance is your ring to you?" She asked. 

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