Chapter Eight (Enoch's P.O.V)

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          It had been a year (technically) since (Y/N) and I had been together, and I was more heart broken than ever. It was set in stone: she'd be leaving next week. I made the mistake of falling in love when I knew this was inevitable. No, it wasn't a mistake, it was just one of those things that happened every so often, life. She brought a whole new meaning to the word "life". I lied awake and I couldn't sleep, so I left for a walk. I held out my hand to let the leaves from the short trees brush my hand the way she did on that first night we walked. I went to the cliff and saw a figure stretched out on the ground where we usually sat. It was her. "(Y/N)?" She sat up and turned. "Oh, Enoch, you scared me." "Sorry." I sat next to her in the grass, looking out at the moon's dull reflection on the misty waters. She leaned on my shoulder and I put my arm around her and kissed her forehead.

        "So you really have to leave?" She nodded sadly, "Miss P said I have to...for the sake of those peculiars that are out wandering, lost children...lost souls." I sighed heavily. It really broke my heart. We were silent for a while, then she sat up straight and looked at me. "I have to tell you something." My heart raced like a hummingbird's. "Last year, remember the first day I played raid the village with you all?" I nodded, "That morning I asked Miss P about it, and she said you could...come with me, that it was your choice to leave or stay. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it earlier-" I couldn't help but kiss her. I had made up my mind without hesitation. "I'm going with you." "You're what?" "That's if you want me to." "Of course I do, but you've been with everyone here for most of your life." "And what's it to you if I spend the rest of it with you?" I kissed her again. 

          I decided that my first move would be at the crack of dawn, I would head to the village jeweler's, high hopes in my heart, my heart in my hand.

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