Chapter Ten (Your P.O.V)

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          Five days before I left, I officially became Mrs. (Y/N) Dove-O'Connor. Miss Peregrine highly recommended that I hyphenate my name for ymbryne reasons. Our wedding was on the beach we first kissed on after Miss P reset the loop, a starry sky overhead to set the mood. Emma and Fiona were my bridesmaids, Claire the flower girl. And the best part of it all? When the village minister said his, "you may kiss the bride", I extended the crown on my ring and everyone froze, even us two, making the kiss a little secret between the three of us: Enoch, Time, and I.

          Now it was the morning of our departure. I had just finished packing my trunk and hauled it downstairs. "Enoch?" I called, "Enoch, where are you?" I went into the backyard where Fiona was growing a bush sculpture. "Have you seen Enoch?" "Not since yesterday, no." She said pleasantly. I went back upstairs and searched in his room that now had little detail left to it, and then back downstairs, and right as I was going to find Miss P and ask her, I saw him coming into the yard, a beautiful lilac fabric in his hands. I ran to hug him. "What's that?" He smiled and let the dress fall to its full length, the one I fell in love with at the boutique the year before. I gasped, "You didn't!" "I did, and this time, it's yours to keep."

          Later on, Olive, Emma and Jake escorted us to September 4th, (insert city of your choice), where Enoch and I would spend forever on repeat. Forever young. Forever in love. We were done chasing  tomorrow. Forever. 

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