Chapter 7

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It has been a week since Jack and I got back together. We decided against the  marriage thing for a while (so they arent engaged sorry if that confused you). I am sure he will propose when he feels the time is right. The two of us have been getting along really well the past week and Jack has actually put in effort to help out around the house. 

We have also discussed having children when the time is right. we have talked about nearly everything for our future. Jack is currently at work but he should be finishing up soon. 

Me as you may be wondering, well not long after i got all of my memory back i had someone come up to me and offered me a modeling job as they thought i would be a perfect model. I occasionally get some jobs but when i do they pay me well so i dont need a second job. but i am considering starting up a dance company one day when i am older. every job i get i always put some money away towards opening a dance studio.

I really hope that one day I have a little girl, so that one day she can come in and dance. I mean if i have a boy then i guess they can dance as well but that is up to them. 

I decided tonight i would cook a nice meal for Jack and I for dinner. So i decided I would cook his favorite.

just as i was dishing up our meals he came through the door. "Just in time i am just dishing up dinner." i told him then he came and kissed me on the cheek.

"Mmm my favorite." he said taking in the aroma of the meal. 

"Yep sure is. I thought i would cook you a nice meal. becuase it feels like all we have been having for dinner for the past week is take out." i told him.

"Thats probably because thats all we have had for the pas week and it isn't healthy." he told me.

"I know maybe we should make it a once a week thing that we have take out or go out for dinner." I decided.

"OK date night once a week sounds great." he told me kissing me then sitting down and getting started on his dinner.

"Well dinner was wonderful." Jack said once we had finished dinner. "So have you heard about any more jobs?" he asked me.

"No not yet but i do have one tomorrow." i told him.

"Well im sure you will look wonderful. what are you modeling this time?" he asked me.

"Just some things for bonds. I know its a small job compared to others i have done but at least it is a job." I told him.

"Well that is good. they are a great brand." he told me.

"That they are." I replied.

*** Next Day ***

So I have just finished my Modeling job with Bonds and I am on my way home now. I am even nearly home. I feel like something big is going to happen tonight. I'm not entirely sure what it is but i just have  feeling. 

when I walked into the house it was very quiet. I mean yes it is always quiet because i am usually the first one home when i have a job. and when i am home alone of course it is quiet because it is just me. but this is a different kind of quiet.

"Hello ... Is anyone home?" I yelled.

"Lounge room." I heard I guess Jack yell to me. when i walked into the lounge room he wasnt just sitting there on the couch he was there on one knee holding out the ring that was my engagement ring just over a week ago.

"How long you been there?" I asked him.

"Amy, We have foughtand i made the worst mistake anyone could ever make to such a wonderful woman like you but we sorted out our problems and I love you so so so much for taking me back instead of kicking me out. Of course I love you for you as well but well you know. anyway this past week having you not as my fiance and just as my girlfriend has been so hard. and all week i have been trying to figure out the perfect way to ask you. and i couldn't think of the perfect way because it wouldn't matter as long as you are here and you say yes i would be the happiest man alive. So Amy will you please marry me?" he asked me whilst crying the whole time.

"Yes." i said running into his arms and kissing him. "That proposal was way better than the first one." i told him laughing a little bit.

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