Chapter 6

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It has now been a year since i lost my memory. Sadly Jack and I have been fighting a lot lately. We still haven't gotten married because of all of this fighting we have been having. and in fact right now we are fighting. honestly we fight about the smallest things.

"Fine then you don't want to get married then we are over." i yelled to him. After that i took my ring off and threw it at him. "Now get your things and leave." I yelled again.

"Me why do I have to leave?" he yelled. great now we are going to fight over who is leaving.

"Seriously are we going to fight over this? fine you can stay in the guest room until you find somewhere to live. But you have to start looking right away." I told him. then i started throwing his things into bags.

He replied with a simple OK then left. He knows he is in the wrong this time. He knows he shouldn't have gone out and kissed that girl all those months ago. That night was what changed everything between us.

*** timelapse back to that night ***

"I'm just going to go out for a few beers with some friends ill be back later." Jack yelled up to me.

"OK see you later." I yelled in return.

I'm no entirely sure where they are planning on going but I'm going to invite some of my old friends out for a few drinks as well then. I rang all of my old friends and organised this catch up with them. we are all meeting up at the local pub down the road from me in an hour.

*** 1 hour later ***

So I am here with all of my friends and we have just all arrived. But i did notice some of Jacks friends cars here so maybe they are here as well. 

when we walked in i didn't expect to see what i saw at all. what I saw was Jack and some random girl kissing. i walked up to them and pulled them apart.

"Excuse me who are you?" the girl asked me.

"Hi my name is Amy and I am Jacks fiance." I told them.

"What ... Jack you told me there wasn't anyone else.What is going on?" the girl asked.

"What do you mean? is this not the first time this has happened?" I asked them.

"No no its not." she told me. "And Jack what ever this is that we have ... had is over." she said then walked away.

after that i went home and when he came home we fought.

*** Back to present time ***

It has been pretty much like that ever since. We have tried to sort out our problems but it has never worked. We have tried everything we could think of and none of it worked. I don't think we will ever work again.

Maybe we were just one of those high school couples who are great in high school then when you leave not so much the perfect couple anymore.

I would have loved for this to work out. and i would have sat down and worked through all of our problems. but thats the problem he is stubborn. he wont work through any of his problems.

I went down to go make some lunch and i realized we were low on food so i decided to go get some more food. I yelled up to Jack to tell him ill be back soon.

After i went to the shops i went home. But on the way home i was very close to having a car crash. I am very overwhelmed. this may be because of Jack and I's fight earlier. 

when i got back home and into the house i nearly broke down into tears. after about 5 minutes I couldn't hold onto it anymore and just let it out. then Jack came running down to me and picked me up in his arms. 

We may be broken up.but we will always care for each other. "Amy what is wrong?" he asked me.

"You, me, us. I nearly got into a car crash earlier. and I am just so scared. we were together for so long and now we have broken up. and even when we were together we were always fighting. and it is all because you were kissing that girl. and you never want to talk about our problems. and we fight over the smallest things ... we used to be such a great couple then that other girl came into the picture." i told him the whole time while i was crying.

"I know kissing that girl was a massive mistake. But it doesn't mean i didn't love you. In all honesty i didn't even know why i did it. It was probably the worst mistake i have ever made. I regret every second i was kissing her instead of being here and spending time with my beautiful fiance. I know you aren't anymore but that doesn't mean i wont stop loving you. I am so sorry for everything we fought about. I am not going to list all of them because there were so many. I understand if you don't want to give us another go. if you still want me to leave i will." he told me.

"No i dont want you to go. I love you too. Please stay." i told him.

"OK you got me i will stay." he said while smiling. "And I promise to talk to you about any of our problems." he told me then kissed me.

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