What are you?

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Third Person P. O. V.
Junho was finally able to control Ayeon's dreams. He was trying to return her memories through dreams. Since he took over Ayeon's job, he was now able to better control minds. He just had to learn how to get more information into one dream.

"Junho, what are you doing?" Jihee, his oldest sister, asked.

Junho flinched and turned around. "Nothing...," He said.

Jihee laughed. "Why are you so jumpy? You're acting like you did something you weren't supposed to."

Junho shook his head. He didn't want her to know about his plans but, he had to tell her something. "I was just checking on Ayeon. I get worried about her sometimes," Junho said.

"How is she? Are the humans treating her well?" Jihee sounded genuinely worried about her younger sister. Junho knew that Jihee cared about Ayeon a lot more than the other Angels did. People think Angels are the most caring and kind creatures but, they are only perfect creature will almost no emotions. It was rare that an Angel like, Ayeon, Jihee and Junho would exist. That was the sad truth.

"Ayeon's perfectly fine. Now you should go back to work."

Junho pushed Jihee away so he could be alone to think again. Jihee left with a smile. When Junho was alone, he tried to go back and think about how to return Ayeon's powers. Then an idea came to his mind. He knew exactly how to return every single power back to her. At this rate, he would figure out how to give her memories back. But it would take time. He decided to stick with returning her powers through a dream.

Ayeon's P.O.V.

I was dreaming again. This time, I had no idea where I was. I was surrounded by endless black space. I just stood there unable to do anything. Suddenly, a beam of light came flying towards me at full speed. It hit me right in the chest before I could even move away from it. I felt a warm sensation all over me and the light beam went from my chest and formed angel wings on my back. It was strange but, felt familiar at the same time. I couldn't explain it. After the wings vanished, I woke up from my sleep.

I sat up in my bed and looked around my room. The sun was shining through my window just as brightly as the light beam in my dream. I got ready for the day as if the dream didn't happen. I didn't see Jin at BigHit all morning. It was a really long morning for me. It was surprising how much a model had to do. I was tired by lunchtime. When I was leaving the building to get lunch, Jin came after me.

"Ayeon, do you want to have lunch with me?" Jin asked with a cute smile on his face.

I smiled back. "What are we gonna eat then?"

"How about I cook you something," Jin suggested.

"That sounds great. You can teach me how to cook too."


Jin was showing me how to cut the vegetables. I was cutting them perfectly fine until my finger got cut by accident. A sharp, burning feeling took over my whole hand. I flinched at the pain and Jin must have noticed.

"You cut yourself? That's not good," Jin said taking my hand and looking closely at the cut, "I'll go get the first aid kit."

Jin left me alone for a second. I looked at my cut as I waited. Suddenly, my wound was quickly closing. The blood and cut went away. By the time Jin came back, my cut was completely healed.

Jin took my hand and paused. "Where did your cut go?" He asked in disbelief.

"I don't know, it just healed," I said looking at my hand.

"Let's just go back to cooking."

We both ignored the fact my wounds could heal themselves. We cooked in silence for the next five minutes. I getting ready to cook the food when I touched the pot and the water immediately boiled. The stove wasn't even on. I was warming it with my bare hands.

Jin noticed and looked at me with wide eyes. "What are you?"

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