Human Feelings

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Ayeon's P. O. V.

I was watching Jin as he was walking in a park. At that moment, I wanted to break a promise for once. I mean, what's the worse that could happen from being in love with a human? I really, really wanted to see what it felt like to get someone to share their feelings. I wanted to go on dates with him like normal humans. Just for one day, I'll just get Jin to like me. I followed Jin from a closer distance this time. I was trying to figure out a way to get him to notice my presence. I was thinking too hard and suddenly, I tripped and fell. I scraped my knee from the fall. It was extremely painful since I only could feel pain in human form. Jin noticed and turned around. He came to me and crouched down. "Are you okay?" He asked helping me up just like at the concert the other day.

"My knee really stings," I said limping a little. Jin held my arm and lead me to a bench so I could sit down.

"I'll be right back," He said, "Don't move a muscle." I nodded and he ran off somewhere. I smiled to myself and looked down at my wounded knee. I wondered of he recognized me from the concert. After a few minutes, Jin came back with a white box with a red cross your on it. It said 'First Aid' on it. Those were the things humans used to heal their wounds. This is the first time I've seen it this close. Jin crouched down to my knee and pulled out a band-aid. As he was putting it on, I just looked at his handsome face. I've seen many, many people but, I've never seen a human like him. "Have I seen you somewhere before?" Jin asked as he sat next to me on the bench.

"Well, I went to a concert recently, and I do tend to fall a lot," I hinted.

Jin sat there and thought for a second. He glanced at me and then thought again. "Wait! You're the girl who fell backstage!" He seemed really happy that he remembered. I smiled at him.

"It's funny that we ran into each other the same way."

"You must fall a lot."

He wasn't wrong but, I've only started fall ever since I bumped into him that first time. "Anyways, I'm Ayeon," I said holding out my hand for him to shake. I've always seen people greet each other that way. Jin smiled and took my hand.

"Would it be okay if we met here every afternoon?" Jin asked. I was happy he wanted to see me again.

"That would be great. I have to go now but, see you tomorrow." I stood up and left. I continued to glance back as I walked away.


Tonight, my father was back from where ever. My siblings and I quietly ate dinner with him. "Ayeon, how is managing the humans going?" He asked.

Junho and I  glanced at each other. I could tell he didn't trust that I was a good liar. "Everything's great, father," I said, "It's a really happy time for the humans in Korea."

Father nodded and continued to eat his food. Dinner continued on with him asking all of us about our jobs. I was successfully able to cover up the fact that I had feelings for a human. When dinner was over, Junho pulled me aside again. "Are you seeing that human still?" He asked with a frown on his face.

"I don't think anything bad will happen as long as Father or our sisters don't find out," I stated, "Anyways, I think he likes me too."

"What do you mean, think?" He asked, "Shouldn't you be able to read his mind by touching him or something?"

He was tight about that. The weird thing was, I couldn't get a single thought from him when I shook his hand. I couldn't read his mind at all. Maybe I should try another way. "I have something to do, I'll be leaving now."

I ran off before Junho could stop me. It was around the time that my favorite human couple would go on dates. Today, when I saw them, they were arguing. I couldn't get close enough to hear when it was about but, the girl looked really upset. I wish I could help them. I left the couple alone and went back home. All night, my thoughts were only directing towards Jin.


The next day, I was stopped by my father. He wanted to talk to me. "Ayeon, is there something you want to tell me?" He said crossing his arms.

"I don't think so...," I replied, "Why would I?"

He looked really upset and I didn't know why. It was really bothering me. "I know what you've been up to on earth."

When he said that, I glanced around the room. "I don't know what you're talking about. The only thing I did was watch the humans." I tried to play it cool.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know about that human. Jin was his name?" He said, "You know it's forbidden to be in love with humans."

"I know, but please don't hurt him. Just punish me," I begged, "He's not in love with me, I swear."

He crossed his arms and shook his head. "Okay, go down there now and erase his memories of you and I'll deal with you later."

I couldn't negotiate with him anymore and I guess it would be best for Jin to just forget about me.  It was around the time when Jin and I should meet. Jin was already waiting at the bench and I slowly walked towards him. When he saw me, he smiled and waved at me. Just seeing him smile made me want to cry. When I was standing face to face with him, I suddenly started to cry. Jin was confused as I laid my head on his chest. "Ayeon, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Jin asked patting my back. 

"I'm sorry that I have to do this," I said before pulling him down into a kiss. Angels can erase human's minds by touching them. I kissed him hoping maybe someday his memory of me would come back. It's sad that we only knew each other for a few days. I actually felt connected to him in a way I couldn't explain. I pulled away from the kiss and it would be a few minutes before Jin would forget. I left quickly without even looking back. 


Saejun, Jihee, Junho and I were all together to find out what father was going to do to me. Junho put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a worried look. He was probably the only one who cared about me. When father came into the room, all of us tensed up. "I've spoken to the angels from other places and we came up with a punishment for you," He said with a tired sigh. 

I was really afraid of what they were going to do. "We agreed to take away your privileges as an angel. Tonight, you will be sent down to earth and have to live as a human and you cannot keep any of your memories. Only your name." 

We all tried to hold in our surprise. "Junho will be taking over your job," He continued, "Junho will erase your memories too."

He then left with that. Saejun and Jihee patted my shoulder and ruffled my hair before leaving too. Junho just sat there with an upset look on his face. "Come on, we don't have any time to waste," I said holding out my hand to him. 

He took my hand and we walked to the edge of the clouds, which was the place between our home and the humans. Junho suddenly hugged me. "I promise I'll fix this," Junho said. 

I nodded and then Junho touched my forehead. Time to forget. I would sadly forget the kindness I got from my little brother, Junho and how I felt with Jin. Soon, my momories, my happy and sad ones, would be all gone. 

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