Developing Feelings

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I woke up from my dream with my heart pounding. It was another one of those dreams. Was I in love with Jin? It was obviously love at first sight. I heard the nurses talking about that when I was back in the hospital. They said love, at first sight, didn't exist and was foolish. But, that dream or vision I had could say otherwise.

I really didn't want to go to work and the great thing was, I didn't have to work today. There was too much on my mind. So, I had the power to erase memories for some reason. For another unknown reason, I erased Jin's memory and I was the only one who could bring it back. There was so much going on, I couldn't keep my thoughts on one thing.

Maybe I should get some fresh air outside. I decided on that and got ready for the day.

When I stepped outside, Jin was right there waiting for me. I had completely forgotten that Jin and I were gonna talk about my dreams. I forgot I even told him about those dreams I had.

"Hi Jin, it's great to see you," I said with a big smile on my face.

"So, about yesterday. How could we have met before and neither of us remember?" Jin suddenly asked.

I was caught off guard by Jin's sudden subject change. I remembered what Junho told me last night. Jin lost his memories before I lost mine. I had to remember everything first before saying anything about it to Jin. I had to find a way to take his mind of it.

"Maybe, we're both being delusional," I explained, "Let's just forget about that and enjoy our day off."

Jin gave me a questioning look but, said nothing. I grabbed his arm and lead him to the park where it seems like everything happens. We both sat down on the bench and I smiled at him.

"Let's play a game!" I said excitedly.

"What kind of game?" Jin smiled as he asked.

"Well, it's not really a game but, let's get to know each other. I'll ask you a question and you have to answer it no matter what, same goes for me."

Jin agreed with my game and rules. So I started it off. "What's your favorite hobby?" I asked.

"That's an easy one. Cooking, of course," Jin answered with a smile. His smile made my heart skip a beat. I coughed and ignored it.

"Okay, your turn. Ask anything," I said.

Jin thought about it for a second. "When were you born? If you don't remember, you don't have to answer that."

Since I didn't remember anything at all, I had no idea when I was born or even how old I was. I had to make something up so it wouldn't be awkward. One time, I heard someone say they were born in 1991 so that had to be a year. Then I had to figure out the month and day. I decided to pick something random. "I was born on April 7th, 1991," I said with a smile.

"Oh, you're older than me? And here I thought I was the older one."

We spent the rest of the day doing that. We got to know each other little by little. I might have made up a lot of things since I had no idea who I was before Jin saved my life. I was happy talking to him. Before we knew it, the sun was setting. 

"Aw, I was having fun," I said with a sigh. Jin smiled at me. His smile caused my heart to skip a beat. I looked at him with wide eyes. 

"Is there something wrong?" Jin asked, touching my shoulder. 

"I-I'm fine," I said looking away. That was weird. I had the same feeling from my dreams. I just couldn't figure it out.

Since it was getting late, Jin took me home. I actually had a lot of fun talking to him. We said out goodbyes and I went into my apartment. Junho wasn't home again, for some reason. I ignored that and decided to try cooking something. I had no idea how to cook but, I was gonna try. I was going to make some ramen and something else to go with it. I was wasn't sure what yet.

It took me about an hour to get it right. When I did, I took a picture of it and posted it on one of the social media sites I made. I suddenly got a comment on it after a few minutes. It was Jin. It said 'that looks great! We should cook together sometime.'

I smiled at that comment. It would be fun cooking with Jin. I just might consider doing that.

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