I Need You

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After all that happened yesterday, I couldn't have been happier with Jin. At the moment, we were on something called a date. Jin took me out to eat at a fancy restaurant. I was amazed by the way the whole place looked. There were many couples dressed nicely and enjoying their romantic dinner. The decorations on the tables were so pretty and elegant. I was really excited for the food. I smiled as the waiter came up to us.

"What you you two like to order?" The waiter asked.

I looked down at the menu and still couldn't choose. "Give me the best meal you have," I said.

Jin took his order after me and then the waiter left. After waiting for a while, our orders came back. I smiled as the food was set in front of me. I couldn't wait to eat it.


It was dark outside as Jin walked me home. Something I've never seen before happened. There was small white puffs falling from the sky. I stopped walking and held my hand out. The substance landed on my hand and quickly melted. "What is this?" I asked.

Jin noticed that I stopped and came back to me. "It's snow. Around this time of year, the water in the clouds freeze like this," Jin explained.

"So, it's like frozen rain?"

Jin laughed a little. "I guess you can say that. There's also other things that happen around this time."

"Like what?" I was genuinely curious. I was also a bit cold. Jin must have noticed. He took off his coat and put it on me.

"There's a holiday called Christmas. It's when you spend time with all the people you care about."

As Jin explained this holiday to me. I imagined spending it with Jin. We could see the beautiful lights people put up together and I could give him a gift. I smiled at that thought. "Let's spend Christmas together," I said.

"It's a promise."

We continued walking together. It was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. I suddenly felt a little dizzy and I started to cough a little. It was hard for me to breath. "Ayeon, are you okay?" Jin asked holding my shoulders.

"I suddenly don't feel too good." That's what I said before fainting.


"Will she be alright?" I heard Jin's voice ask.

"I'm not sure. She seems to be really weak right now," I heard Junho explain, "It might have something to do with our sister coming down to earth."

I opened my eyes slowly to see that I was in my bed. I couldn't move that much since my body was aching. "You're awake. How are you feeling?" Junho asked.

I slowly sat up and looked at Jin. He looked really worried. "I'm not sure what happened, but I feel terrible," I said.

"I think I figured out why you're feeling this way," Junho explained, "I think Jihee did something to you. I don't know what it is yet."

I nodded. "We have to hurry and figure it out or somebody else with get hurt," I said.


As the day passed, I was starting to feel weaker. While Junho was out figuring things out, Jin stayed to take care of me. "Are you feeling any better?" Jin asked, holding my hand.

"I think so," I said, "Maybe I'll sleep a little."

"Get as much rest as you need."

I smiled and closed my eyes. Jin continued to hold my hand in his as I feel asleep.

I opened my eyes to find myself standing in empty space. Everything around me was white. I knew I was in a dream, but why was it like this?

"Ayeon, it's great to see my precious little sister," I heard a familiar voice say.I turned around to see my older sister Jihee smiling.

"Why are you in my head?" I asked.

Jihee smirked. "Oh you know why. You remember to much. Father banished you and your memories, but now you're suddenly remembering things. That cannot be allowed."

I couldn't say anything. I knew I wasnt supposed to know anything, but Junho and Jin helped me get my memories back. "But why are you here? And why am I sick?"

Jihee sighed. "You don't know anything, do you?" She said, "I was sent by father to kill you. The reason why you're sick is because I took your powers away and your life force."

I knew that life force was essential for an angel to live. It was where all their powers were from. If it gets taken away from and angel, they get sick until they slowly die. That's what was happening to me. "That's all you need to know, little sis. It was nice seeing you."

I jolted awake from my sleep. I couldn't believe my own sister would try to kill me. Jin noticed that I was awake. "Ayeon, are you okay? You look pale," Jin asked coming up to me.

"We have to find Junho right now," I said getting out of the bed. My legs felt weak but I managed to stand.

"You can't. You're still sick." Jin grabbed my arm to support me.

"This is urgent. Let's go."

Jin held my arm as we left the apartment. We found Junho right outside, thankfully. "Ayeon, what are you doing up?" Junho asked with a worried look on his face.

"I need to talk to you...privately," I said glancing at Jin.

"I'll just wait over there."

"So what's the problem?" Junho questioned.

I hesitated. Would it even help to tell him that I was dying. Would he be able to save me? I took a deep breath and began to tell him about what Jihee did to me.

"You must not tell Jin about this," I instructed, "He doesn't need to know."

Junho glanced at where Jin was standing. And looked back at me. "Why? If you suddenly die, what will he do?"

"I won't die, I'll find a way to fix this."

I looked back at Jin. I had to stay alive and be with Jin no matter what. I wasn't going to die so easily.

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