Without You

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Ayeon's P. O. V.

I woke up to the woman splashing water on me. It's already been two months since I came here and the woman's name was Ms. Yoo. She's been training me to become human. She hasn't started the treatments yet because she wanted me to be ready for them.

"Ayeon, wake up! We have more training to do," She said tossing a towel at me.

I dried myself off and got ready for the day. Today, she had me walking up the mountain with two large water buckets to bring to her friend. Her friend lived almost at the top of the mountain. I was near collapsing of exhaustion by the time I got there.

"Are you okay little lady?" And an old woman asked. I looked up and her and smiled.

"I'm fine. Are you the lady who needed this water?" I said.

She smiled and nodded. She took the two buckets out of my hands. "Come in and have some tea with me."

She started walking towards her home and I quickly followed.


Later that day, I was still at Ms.Yoo's friend, Ms. Park's, house. She was asking me all sorts of questions. "So, the reason you want to be human is to be with this Jin person?" She asked.

I nodded. Just talking and thinking about him made me miss him. 

"Well I have a few elixirs for you to drink. They'll help with the process of becoming human."

She pulled out three different bottles. They all looked different in some way. One was blue, the other was red, and the last one was orange. They were very vibrant colors.

"You must drink the blue one tonight, then the red one the second night, and the orange one on the third night," She explained, "If you don't follow my instructions exactly, you could risk death."

I was a bit nervous from hearing that, but I was sure I could follow the rules. I took the bottles and thanked Ms. Park for her help. I had to hurry back to Ms. Yoo.


It was late at night and I was getting ready to drink the blue elixir. I held it up to the light and it this strange glow to it. I opened the bottle and a light puff of smoke escaped causing me to cough a little.

I took a deep breath and drank some of it. The taste was horrible, but I was told to drink every little bit of it. I tried the ignore the flavor as I finished the drink.

A drowsy feeling suddenly came over me and I passed out.


I woke up laying in the grass. I sat up and looked around. I was in some kind of field. Ahead of me was Jin looking up at the blue sky. I stood up and dusted myself off. I had a big smile on my face as I walked to approach him.

"This is your dream?" I heard a familiar voice say.

Suddenly, everything around me turned dark. The sky was dark like the night sky and the grass became a darker green. The wind was blowing harshly causing my hair to slap me in the face a couple times. Jin was still standing there looking up at the sky.

Jihee suddenly showed up and had a knife in her hand. She smirked at me as she stabbed Jin in the chest. I gasped and tried to run towards him. But I couldn't move. All I could do is watch as Jihee let Jin's body collapse. Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to move ot even speak.


I woke up gasping. I couldn't believe what I had just dreamed about. I had a bad feeling something was gonna happen.

Ms. Yoo was standing by the door with her arms crossed. "Don't worry, Ayeon," she said, "That dream was only revealing one of your greatest fears. Fear is what makes you human. The other two elixirs are love and Humanity."

I sighed in relief when my dream was explained. That goodness it wasn't a vision.

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