Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Eve's POV*

It has been about five months that I have been on the Jolly Rodger. I love it here. All of the pirates are so nice to me. They even threw a surprise party for me on my birthday four months ago. Yep, that's right. I'm thirteen.

Also, Hook is like a second father to me. It's like paradise here. I never want to leave.

I was walking across the deck when Hook stopped me.

"Hey Eve, are you busy right now?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Want to hang out with me and see what it's like be a captain for the day?" He nudged me.

"Sure that sounds fun!" I exclaimed.

First, he taught me how to sword fight. It wasn't too hard, I just have to practice and have good coordination. He then showed me how to load the cannons and give orders to the crew. That was really funny. They all played along and listened to all of my commands. Lastly, he let me steer the ship for a while. The waves started to get really big so he had to help me keep the ship steady.

"So are you happy here Eve?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Well just sailing around can be boring after a while."

"Hook, this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Before I took your shadow's hand, my life was miserable. My parents wouldn't let me do anything fun."

"Do you miss them?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

"Not really, I mean yes a little, but I think they are probably not even worried that I'm gone." I said while looking down.

Hook lifted my head up.

"I'm happy that you have joined our crew kiddo."

I gave him a big hug and held on tight. It made me think about what my parents are doing right now.

*Jackie's POV*

I was pacing back and forth, waiting for Peter to come home. He went to go see if the mermaids have seen anything.

I saw him approaching. I saw his face and he shook his head no.

"The mermaids said that they still haven't seen her anywhere, not in the water at least."

I sat down a log and buried my face into my hands.

"This is my entire fault..." I said sighing.

"No it's not... We can't really blame anyone." he was trying to be optimistic, but it wasn't working.

"No it is my fault... I shouldn't have gone in her room, I should have given her to Snow and Charming... she would have had a better life...."

"Don't say that..." Peter said.

"You heard her! She wishes that she could have different parents!" I held back my tears, "have you ever thought how life could be different, possibly even better if I never went on that ship that crashed?"

"Yes, yes I have.... and I came to a conclusion that I would have been an evil boy with no one who cared for him.... I know this might sound selfish but I'm glad that you got on that boat."

"Aww Peter," he wiped away a tear from my eye, "I'm glad I got on it too."

We hugged for a long time.

And then I got an idea.

"Oh my god! Peter follow me!" I got up and ran to our bathroom. I totally forgot I could do this. I cast a spell on the mirror and basically made a magical phone call to my parents.

My mother and father appeared in the mirror.

"Mother! Papa!"

"Jackie! How is-"

"Eve has been missing. Have you seen her?!?"

"Um no, I'm sorry darling we haven't but we will keep an eye out for her."

"Thanks, I will communicate with you soon if we find her."

I waved my hand over the mirror and they were gone. I did the same process with Snow and Charming while Peter contacted all of the lost boys and described what Eve looks like to them. After I ended talking to everyone that I could, I sat down on the bed. I'm so worried about Eve, she could be hurt right now, or even worse.... She could be dead....

I looked up and saw Peter standing in front of me. I was trying my best to hold back my tears.

"Hey... it's alright, love..." He sat down next to me, "We will find her one day Jackie, remember, we never fail." He kissed me on the forehead and held onto me tight.

I think we both had a small feeling of doubt inside of us.

*Eve's POV*

I woke up in the middle of the night by falling off of my bed with a thud. Ow... I grabbed one of my robes and draped it over my nightgown. I opened my doors and saw the crew running around the deck. The ship was rocking back and forth and giant sheets of rain came pouring down on us. I saw Hook at the wheel turning it dramatically. He was yelling at the top of his lungs. I tried to make my way across the deck, stumbling here and there, until I eventually climbed up the stairs. I was death gripping the railing.

"Hook! What do you want me to do?!?"

He looked over at me.

"Eve! Go back inside! It's too dangerous out here!" He yelled.

"No! I want to help!" But just as I said that, a huge wave came over the ship, knocking some of the pirates over.

"Go get somewhere safe Eve! Please!" He looked concerned.

I started to make my way back when I heard two of the crew members yelling at each other.

"One of the ropes connected to the main sail is stuck; we need to get it down now!"

There was a flash of light in the sky, and then a thunderous clap right after. Wow, that was close.

"It's too hard to get, no one can climb that high without breaking it!" yelled the other pirate.

I looked up at the post and where the sail was caught. It was pretty high up, but if I fixed it, I could prove to Hook that I am brave enough to be here. I grabbed a dagger from a nearby pirate and started to climb up the post. When I was about halfway, I heard yelling and looked down. I saw Hook yelling and motioning for me to come down. I couldn't really hear him. I grabbed on tight to the pole and yelled, "I can do it! You have to trust me!"

I continued climbing until I got to the top. I looked down again. Woah, I was really high up. I was terrified. I froze for a couple of seconds and then remembered why I was up there. The boat was swaying a lot, making it hard to hold on. I planted my feet and then reached out to cut the rope, I started moving the sword back and forth, barely making a dent in the rope.

Just then, lightning struck the post I was clinging on to. My body went numb and I lost my grip. I fell and hit one of the smaller sails, slowing down my fall. I then hit the ground and blacked out. This all happened in a matter of about 10 seconds.

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