Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Eve's POV*

I don't know how long I have been sitting in this dark cell. I have cried so much that I ran out of tears to shed. I miss Felix, he could be dead right now! His death would be my fault....

Ugh why am I so stupid?!? My whole life is one big mistake. Maybe if I just stayed on that island, being miserable with my parents.... my parents.... I miss them so much. And now that I have matured, I have realized that they kept me there to keep my from this world, a world of magic.... and pain.

*Felix's POV*

I was running as fast as I could through the trees. I knew that the camp would still be in the same place as before, Pan never liked change. I kept running and running until I caught sight of my old home. It pretty much looked the same. I saw Pan's door was open so he and Jackie musts have been in there. I tried to run into the camp but it seemed that I hit an invisible wall, like some sort of force field. It sent me back a couple of feet, making me hit a tree and then fall to the dirt.

"Ugh!" I yelled.

Pan and Jackie stepped out of the tent. They must have heard.

I got up and got as close to them as I could.

"Pan, come quick-"

And in a matter of seconds, the protection spell was gone and Pan was on top of me, holding a knife up to my throat.

"Where is Eve? What did you bloody bastards do to her?!?" He yelled.

It was hard to talk because Pan's knee was pushing onto my chest trying to restrain me.

"We have to.... save her...They... have... her... locked up...."

"Why should I believe you?" He growled.

"Because.... I.... love her..." I barely made out those words.

I saw Pan put his hand up, as if he wanted to rip out my heart.

Jackie ran up to hit and caught his hand before he could put it into my chest.

"No Peter!" she yelled, "Please."

"Do you actually believe this fool?" he yelled at me.

"Yes, yes I do." She stood up straighter. "I know what true love looks like and I- I see it in his eyes."

Peter looked at me and back at Jackie. He rolled his eyes and got off of me.

"Fine." He groaned.

"Felix, why are the pirates here? What do they want?" Jackie asked.

"They want revenge, especially Hook. He is pissed that you separated him from Emma. He wants the map from you on how to get to the world she is in and the spell to undo her memory loss. And lastly...he wants you two dead...." I state.

"What are they doing to my poor Eve?" Jackie looked like she wanted to cry.

"The last thing I saw was that Hook ordered her to be locked up. I tried to fight him to get to her, but it was too late. I don't know anymore. Please, we must save her."

"Wait, does she know about us?" Pan asked.

"No one ever told her that your first name is Peter. Everyone has been addressing you as Pan. All she knows is that Pan is the enemy."

"Oh my god..." Jackie couldn't believe it.

"Hook is using her.... to get to me..." Pan said.

"Yes, but we need to get her now. Its only a matter of time, Hook has grown very ruthless and impatient."

Pan and Jackie looked determined.

"Well then, lets play."

We all ran toward the Jolly Roger .

*Eve's POV*

I was in my cell, pacing back and forth, still trying to comprehend why I was in here. What did Hook mean that I was working for Pan? I have never even met this guy before and he is accusing me for all of this?

I big beam of dim light shot through the room. It must have been close to nightfall. One of the bigger Pirates came in and shackled my arms and legs. He then threw me over his shoulders and carried me up onto the deck. he threw me down onto this big net that was hoisted into the air.

"Let me down!" I screamed. All the pirates were mocking me and were laughing.

The ship was lit up by many torches here and there, giving off an orange glow.

"Well... well.... well." Hook walked next to the net.

"Hook, let me out.... please. I'm sure there has been a misunderstanding-" I pleaded.

"Aye there has been. Now tell me, how much of my plan did you tell him?" He asked.

"Who? Pan? I have never-"

"Don't be stupid lass, we all know that he is your father."

"What? My father is old, there is no way he could be this boy that never grows up."

"Oh, and how about your mother Jackie?"

"How did you know her name? I have never told you-"

"Did you know that she happens to be the Dark One's daughter?"

What was he talking about?

"You lie" I hissed.

"Ok fine, don't believe me. I swear when Pan gets here-"

"When I get here what?" we all heard a voice.

I looked and saw my father, standing there with my mother and Felix.

"Wow Pan, looks like you have grown up. Oh, and precious Jackie, you have aged well." He was looking at her up and down.

"Mom?? Dad!" I called.

"Eve!" My mother yelled.

I can't belive it! It was my parents!!!!

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