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Heavily implied rape trigger warning.

Volkner sat at the table, bored out of his mind. It was a meeting between all the members of the Sinnoh League and he couldn't​ care less about what they were talking about. Wake's booming voice kept making him flinch, his inner Omega subconsciously afraid. There were only three Omegas in the Sinnoh League: Aaron, Roark and himself, and the amount of Alphas was daunting.

He looked up when his name was mentioned. Cynthia. "Volkner, could you take a look at the electrics downstairs? We've been having problems with the power."

Volkner nodded and got up, heading out the door and towards the basement stairs. They were in the house collectively belonging to the Elite Four and Champion and he was fairly certain that Cynthia wanted to talk about him without him being there. Oh well.

He opened the basement door and walked down, flicking the light on. He walked in and stopped. It felt... wrong in here, somehow. Then his eyes widened and he bolted. Too late.

Someone pulled his arms behind his back, and when he opened his mouth to scream, another slipped something in his mouth. Ball gag. His arms were ​pulled painfully and chained together. He was thrown onto​ his stomach and held down as someone removed his trousers and underwear. He was struggling, terrified, and got slapped. Hard. He continued and they hit him again. Harder. It continued until he finally gave up. He wouldn't be able to sit for a while without hurting.

"Good boy." Someone laughed above him.
"He's not the intended recipient, but he'll do." Another said.
"Let's just do it." A third voice came, much closer than the others. "We'll see how much he can take."

Volkner was crying by now. He didn't want it. Three men!? He couldn't take that much. And there could be more! His train of thought was interrupted when one picked him up.


He lay on the floor, in a daze. Agony rippled through him in waves. His face was soaked with tears. He had lost count of how many. He was just thankful it wasn't his heat. Then it would've been worse.

He heard a door open and a voice. Flint. "Hey Volk? You okay? You've been- Volkner!" There came the sound of someone sprinting down the stairs, then Flint was beside him. Volkner whimpered through the gag. He cried more, and when Flint tried picking him up, he passed out.

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