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Volkner woke up, front down, on a soft surface. The gag was gone and he was no longer chained up. He still hurt though. He started when he heard Flint's voice. "Volkner?"

Volkner turned and saw Flint beside him. The Fire Trainer looked worried and like he hadn't slept in ages. Volkner launched himself at Flint and sobbed into his shoulder, arms around his neck. Flint seemed taken aback at first, before wrapping his arms around Volkner and holding him.

They stayed like that for a while, Volkner crying and Flint comforting him, before Volkner's sobs died to sniffles. Flint was moving his arm around in a circle on his back, soothing him. Volkner curled into his scent.

"Volkner? Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

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