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Dax woke to The Keeper standing above him. He didn't know The Keeper's name. He didn't need to. All he was was a pet, a slave. He was lucky he had a name himself. Most nekos didn't even get that.

Dax was dragged out by his collar and dumped in another box, smaller than his sleeping one, if that were possible. He waited for the auctioneer to call him. Not that he had much choice in where he went.

Someone he couldn't see picked up and carried his box to the stage. They dragged him out in front of hundreds of people. (A/N: Dax exaggerated due to fear. It was about 90 people.)

*New POV*

Calem sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He would never get these hours of his life back. Thankfully it would be over soon. He looked at the stage when his father nudged him. "Too tall." He muttered, looking back down. His father said something under his breath. Wasn't Calem's fault this was boring. His father nudged him again. He looked up and his breath was taken away.

This one was a fairly small neko, black hair and brown eyes. He had a darkish skin tone and his ears and tail were a soft grey. He seemed nervous and Calem couldn't blame him. He'd be nervous if he was naked on a stage in front of people he hadn't seen before. Then Calem saw it. The bruises and whip marks. The scars. And his heart went out to the young neko.

"Calem?" He heard his father's voice.

"That one."

His father smiled and started the bid.

*Dax's POV*

Dax saw the way people stared at him and looked down. They didn't want him. He would get hurt for this. There was dead silence. He felt the familiar pit of fear in his stomach. Then a deep voice called out. "Two hundred." He couldn't believe it. Someone actually wanted him! "Going... Going... Gone! Sold to that gentleman over there."

Dax was dragged off of the stage to a large hall full of other bought nekos. He had a collar clipped on, then a couple of minutes later another assistant came with clothes. Seems like his new master wanted him decent. After he got dressed​, he was stuffed into another box. To wait for his master.

*Calem's POV*

The wait seemed longer now that he had chosen. They had told the man who came over that yes they did want the neko to have clothes and a collar, and no they didn't mind waiting for him. He didn't want to wait though.

After the auction, he walked with his father to a warehouse with the nekos in. They walked along the rows until they came to Calem's neko. The tag on the cage said Dax. So that was his name.

The neko looked up when they stopped outside of his cage. Calem could see the fear in his eyes before he looked back down. Calem crouched down and Dax started cowering. "Hey. It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."
Dax met his eyes before looking away again. Calem jumped when he felt his father's hand on his shoulder. "Come on. Let's take him and go."
Calem nodded and stood up as one of the assistants picked up Dax's cage. They walked over to their car and the assistant put Dax in the boot. (A/N: trunk if you use American English.)

The assistant told them that Dax had never been in a car before so he may be nervous, shortly before he walked back inside. Calem looked at his father before getting into the passenger side. He looked forward to getting to know Dax.

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