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The commotion had died down a few hours after Alex's departure towards the hospital, but the tension in the room was still high. Madison felt feverish, she was close to Alex when it happened, inspecting how the bridesmaid dress looked on her before she fell down. Mady felt so guilty, she could have done something. Catching her instead of letting Crystal run from her spot and wrap her arms around Alex at the right moment, before her head hit the floor. All she could do was stay stoic in shock, hands covering her mouth as she watched the red headed girl stumble unconscious, her thin body trembling with convulsions.

What could have possibly caused this? It was such a strong reaction to something...Maybe the stress? Or a medical condition Madison had never heard about? Either way, she was impatiently waiting for Lindsey in the Blazy, Grace reading a book with her head laying on her thighs. Kim had retreated to her chambers, the sudden accident too stressful for her to handle while pregnant and she needed to rest. "What do you think could have happened to her?" She murmured to Grace, this last one frowning a little but her eyes remained on her book.

"I...I don't know. Though I hope she is well, they're going to take good care of her." She finally looked up at Madison, blue eyes reassuring but Mady could still see a glint of worry. She might not be the closest with Alex, but they were friends once, and Madison still did care.

"Miss Pearl?" Her head snapped up, looking at the doorway where a guard was standing.

"Yes, Johnson?" She lifted Grace's head away from her, standing up to walk towards the blond royal guard, hands twitching by her side.

"Please follow me, Miss Pearl. Your presence was requested at the Royal Office." He gives her a tight smile and she nods, walking behind him and feeling the anxious stares of the other women on her back.

The walk to the King's office was quick, accelerating their pace to not waste any time. Johnson knocked on the heavy wood, the doors being opened by the King's personal guard. Madison thanked Johnson before stepping inside the luxurious, dark wooded office. She spotted Lindsey and the Queen sitting across from his massive desk, while the King was leaning back on his leather chair, a deep frown etched on his face. There was another unknown man standing in the corner, dressed in a crisp black and white suit, face unmoving except for the aggravated frown on his face. The look on everyone's visage was not easing her nerves and she had to take a deep breath to hold her food down her stomach as she bowed in front of the royalty.

"Welcome Madison, please take a seat." She nodded, the King's clipped tone making her insides twist and she sat on the empty spot right by the Queen. Vivian gripped her hand, holding it in a reassuring manner and Mady smiled at her. "You obviously know why you were called. We've received news from the hospital, Miss Saddler is stable now, though still very sick. It's with sad thoughts that I have to announce that she won't be able to attend the wedding, given her condition."

Madison let out a relieved sigh, glad to hear that Alexandra was alright now. She felt a pang of sadness at the news, but only for a slight minute. She'd rather have Alexandra being taken care of at the hospital than obligate her to come to the wedding still sick. "If it's not too much to ask, have we found out what caused her reaction?" She says and the sour expression on everyone's faces makes her anxiety spike up. Oh no.

"The Doctor in charge sent us her medical analysis." The King took the folder that was on his desk, handing it out to Madison as he glanced at the strange man in the corner. She couldn't help but look at him too, curious to know who he was. He gave her a stern nod and she looked back at the thin folder, opening it to take a look at Alexandra's analysis. There were too many medical words that made no sense to her and she felt slightly guilty at reading such private information about someone else. Thankfully, the doctor had highlighted the important information and as her eyes caught the words, her jaw dropped to the floor.

Ever After  | Book 2 of the Selected SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now