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6 years ago. The Selection.

Simone stood in the backstage area, tired after their performance during the talent show. She could see Jasmine weep in a corner, the brunette knowing this was her last day at the castle and Simone felt satisfied. Good, just less people to worry about. Her eyes diverted to the multiple screens showing the stage area and her guts twisted at Prince Harry and Madison's sight. The Four sat by a piano while the Prince looked at the crowd in fear, his face pale and mortified. She tried to push aside the envy in her heart, and only focused on the Prince's wellbeing, worried for him. You can do it baby, she whispered to herself, and her smile was brought back the moment Prince Harry uttered the first note.

Her heart felt full, entirely subdued to his magnificence. He was mesmerizing to watch, every verse leaving his lips with such passion it knocked the air out of her. She found it hard to breathe, emotional tears pricking her eyes and taking in the softness of his voice. She never wanted him to stop singing.

"Holy shit." She heard another contestant say behind her, speaking out loud everyone's thoughts. Prince Harry was overwhelming, in the best way, he seemed almost unreal and all Simone wanted to do was run across the stage and wrap her arms around his neck, and let herself be immersed in his whole being. Was she in love with him?

Simone exhaled deeply, a smile etched on her face as she watched him end the performance. She had goose bumps, body vibrating in rhythm with the wild applause the crowd were giving him. She left her seat and ran to get close to the stage, seeing him look brilliant and glowing under the spotlights, and she had never felt such admiration for someone else before. She did love him.

But just like every other time he made her feel good, her happiness was crushed in a matter of seconds. The blossoming flower within her faded, and burnt down into somber ashes as she watched him, the man she loved, walk over to Madison and kiss her in front of everyone. He kissed her. The whole kingdom saw them.

He kissed her. He chose her.


1 year ago. Studio 54, New York City.

It was both dim and glowing, multicolored lights flashing across the room, thick in smoke and expensive perfume. Though everything was drowned in the mass of people, warmth and sweat sticking to everyone was usual for this venue. The alcohol was flowing, the bodies were moving sensually to the deep bass, their entire being beating and tingling. Of course, it wasn't all just due to drinks. You could tell from the distinct smell engulfing their lungs and clouding their minds. Everyone was here to get lost, to forget, to have fun, to be someone else just for the night. There were no rules, there no limits, it was just love and music.

Simone Valley hated it. This wasn't her type of crowd, or even the sort of venue she enjoyed. But she was here, lonely sipping on a Cosmo by the bar, and avoiding any sort of contact with the men and women dancing around her. It had been half an hour since she lost her group of friends in the mass of people, but she didn't care. They knew where to find her anyway.

"Another one, Miss?" The barmaid asked, lifting a bottle of tequila and Simone shook her head, satisfied with her current drink. She focused back on absentmindedly watching the crowd, wondering if she should just leave. It was friend's birthday, of course she couldn't just disappear, but she really wanted to be back home.

"What's a gorgeous lady like you doing all alone?" An unfamiliar voice spoke next to her and she rolled her eyes, ignoring the drunk man that took a seat next to her. "Not too chatty, aye?"

Ever After  | Book 2 of the Selected SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now