I See, You See, We See

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"He already knows"

She barely recognized the shaky voice that had left her lips. She was still shocked and overwhelmed by the flying images before her eyes and the sudden bursts of borrowed emotions inside of her.

Elladan looked at her for a long moment, his grey eyes puzzled and concerned, but he did not say a word. He merely nodded, and she felt relieved that he had chose not to question her in that moment.

Slowly and carefully they descended from the high branches of the old tree. The pure darkness made it hard to watch their steps and the heavy canopy shielded the platinum light of the watchful Moon.

Landing on the grass first in a graceful jump, Elladan turned and offered a hand for her. Gladly she let herself be helped as she jumped down from the lowest branch, landing rather clumsily on the grass as her feet got caught on her long dress. Thankfully she had his hand for support and he tightened his hold on her as to prevent her from ungracefully hitting the ground.

Although still scared and shaky with the terrifying images still vivid on her head, Elerrina resented the orcs for their apparition precisely on that night. The dark haired elf had not said a word as he started to lead them back into the safety of Imladri's gardens. She could see worry clearly written on his grey eyes and was sure that he was lost in deep thoughts at the moment.

However, the sudden apparition of the disgusting creatures had seemed to alert the son of Elrond's nerves. He had not let go of her hand, and his hold on it remained tight, pulling her close to him, ready to jump at the slightest threat. But no threat came. There was no sight of the orcs; they had simply passed by them in a hefty run.

It was not until they had reached the peaceful garden with the delicate bridge that Elladan seemed to relax his grip on her. The pale moonlight shone in platinum sparkles on the dark water and the sweet sound of the sleeping trees served to calm her agitated soul and mind with a welcoming feeling of safety.

Elladan's quick steps had now been reduced to a slow walk and he finally stopped once they had crossed the small arching bridge. He turned to face her and she found herself staring at a pair of troubled silver eyes, the pair of eyes that had now become her center of her attention. He was looking at her intently; his gaze sparkled with deep concern as he brushed away one strand of her golden hair and rested his palm on her cheek.

"Are you alright?" 

Not trusting her voice, Elerrina simply nodded her head. She could hear in his voice that the question was no referring only to the running orcs, but that he knew that something else had disturbed her. She could feel his heavy gaze on her and hear the edge of guilt that his voice carried. He felt responsible for endangering their lives by wondering out of the valley in the dark. She hated the guilty look in his usually sparkling and carefree eyes. She felt the need to distract him, to lift his spirits.

"Should we return and find out if the feast is still going? I wonder if Elrohir succeeded in avoiding that lady for the length of the night" She said trying to sidetrack both of their anxious minds into a lighter mood.

She saw him furrow his brow in deep confusion and look at her as if she had gone insane before he erupted in laughter. The sound was the sweetest sound that had ever reached her ears and she delighted in it, letting out some giggles in return.

"You are wonderful" he said fully grinning. Before her racing mind could register his movements, he leaned in and placed a quick kiss on her lips. She felt all the borrowed images and feelings, the dark memories and the fear, vanish entirely from her body as his lips touched hers. He certainly knew how to distract her.

"Now, Ro had better been successful in avoiding her because otherwise he would have deprived me from dancing with you longer for no reason."

The playful mischievousness had returned to his voice and she smiled widely at him using his twin bother's nickname. She had heard both of the twins being called by nicknames before by other elves in the household: Dan and Ro. It made her imagine them as little elflings running around certainly with no angelical purpose in mind.

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