Haunted Hours

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The chilled wind of the night ran fast past her, hitting her face and whistling on her ears, as she held tight to Elladan's body. They had been running for several hours now, the legs of the horses drummed loudly against the ground, which almost seemed to shake from the force. The dark shaped of leaves and branches flew past her eyes, but she was not looking, her open eyes stared at nothing.

She had not mentioned the last vision that had consumed her mind. The orcs had not moved, and thus she did not consider it necessary to alarm anyone. The images of the nasty faces and their sickly yellow eyes still burned fresh before her eyes, the twisted voice ordering to burn the Elf-Lord's hands still echoing inside her head.

Elladan had not seemed to notice her vision, as he remained focused on the front, never turning his head back. He was distant, his mind obscured in thoughts of his own and she could feel his strong determination feeding on some sort of reawakened hatred inside of him. Elerrina tightened her hold on him, just to simply remind him of her presence, to unsuccessfully pull him back from his dark thoughts. She could see Elrohir riding close to their right; his focused silver eyes cold and distant like iced steel, as he leant forward on the back of his horse.

Suddenly Glorfindel gave indications to stop for some hours of rest and she was pulled out of her trance a she felt the galloping of the horse underneath her cease. Elladan jumped to the ground in a graceful, swift movement, and she could see the other elves around them following his example. He turned to face her and gently helped her dismount, offering her a small comforting smile.

Once her feet touched the ground he pressed a quick kiss to her temple as his hand reached for hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. His face perfectly masked all of his emotions, but she could feel them swirling inside of him.

"How are you doing?" he asked softly as she stared into the depths of his liquid silver eyes.

"I am fine" She reassured him with the faintest of smiles "How are you?"

Elladan turned his eyes away from her as he looked to the side, his lack of answer indicating her that he had no intention of lying to her, but at the same time, did not want to tell the truth. She reached her palm softly to his cheek and gently turned his face to look back at her. Profound silver eyes turned in her direction again, filled with anxiety and sorrow. His eyes alone answered the question that his voice would not.

"What can I do?" She asked in a whisper, already feeling her heart shatter at the heavy burden he carried in his troubled eyes "What can I do to ease what troubles you?"

He did not answer, but only offered her a sad smile in a failed attempt to reassure her as he leant closer and placed his lips to her forehead. He rested his head over hers for a moment, and she felt his hand rubbing her arm soothingly.

"You can always remind me of how much you like me." He said in a lighter tone as he pulled away to look at her. His eyes now held a faint glint of their usual glow and Elerrina knew that he was making an effort to distract her form his dark thoughts.

His words awarded a wide smile from her part as her mind suddenly traveled back to the enchanted moment they had shared in the gardens some hours ago. She let herself fall freely into his endless silver eyes, which shone with love-sparkled mischief as they teased her.

"Are you mocking me, my Lord?" Elerrina opened her mouth in fake hurt as she pressed her hand to her chest. "Now that is not very polite, especially when addressing a Princess"

Elladan grinned at her as his eyes sparkled with light, they heavy, haunted aura around them momentarily forgotten.

"My apologies, Your Highness, I would never even think of mocking you," He said using his formal lordly manner, and yet his eyes mirrored the mischief in his wide grin.

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