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    Not everyone is destined to love, but those who find everlasting love and happiness are considered to be lucky. I never understood the meaning of love since I never saw any proof of such a deep emotion existing in my world. I lived in a world thrives on savagery and direst cruelty.

        Love is the weakness of men.
        Love is the destroyer of hearts.

     Why would any sane being subject themselves to something that only brings pain?

      Love may be pain yet our souls and hearts yearn to feel such a treacherous emotion. Why do we feel the need to love and to be loved?

      The answer is quite simple. Everyone has to have a weakness.

You are my weakness and my strength. My shield and my sword. My heaven and my hell. My enemy, my lover. We both hold the power to end the lives of both man and beast. Yet I can't help, but feel drawn to the innocence you hold, even after all of your trials in life. I promise you that you I will never experience that amount of torture for as long as you are my mate. You are mine to protect and love. Though you may not believe me, I just want to make sure I tell you. I am hopelessly and madly in love with you. I am simply your bitch.

Those were the words that rolled of her pink lips and drifted through the air, to reach my ears. Those words made our first mating that much better.

You are the only person who went to such great lengths to keep me safe and happy. I love you Adenza and no one holds the power to change that. You will always be my only true love.

That was my reply before I fell asleep in the the arms of the most dangerous woman on earth.

My Enemy Lover (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now