Chapter V (revised)

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Adenza's POV

I released an aggravated growl, which caused my siblings to turn around immediately. I picked Ezdeth up and carried her into my private study. I placed her on the window seat. She watched me with wide eyes and a bright blush coated her cheeks. I kept my face neutral as I went through the extra closet I had in here, looking for clothes for the both of us.

I found a pale blue day dress for Ezdeth and gray stockings for her to wear. As for me, I had to settle for a pair of black leggings and tight leather long sleeved shirt with a built in exterior corset. I quickly got dressed but Ezdeth has yet to put on the dress.

I noticed the blush on her face darken and began to spread to her chest. I rolled my eyes at her ridiculousness. After what we had just done, I'm sure changing in front of me is the least of her worries. Besides, she is already naked.

"Hurry up Ezdeth." I commanded.

She looked at me and nodded obediently. She quickly got dressed never once saying a word to me. Once she was done getting dressed I pushed her up against the wall. She turn her head away from me, refusing to look me on the eye. I forcefully turned her head so that she had to look me in the eye.

Her eyes were wide with fear and tears. I knew what she saw when she looked into my eyes. She saw a monster. She saw the Kiss Of Death. She saw everything her people told her I was. She saw everything except who I really am. She didn't see Adenza, she saw Commander Azaleah-Cloake, her enemy.

It is in her best interest to fear me, it will keep her alive in the years to come. I am what she sees. A monster.

"Your expression is priceless. When we leave this room you are not to speak unless I give you permission to do so and you are to follow every command I give to you without complaint. Failure to comply will result in more than a broken arm. Is that clear?" I said in a commanding tone.

"I am not your slave!" Ezdeth's voice held ferocity and her face contorted into a furious expression. Her eyes glowed an ominous light blue and her lips were pulled back into a sneer with allowed me to see her fangs.

I simply smirked at her statement. The speech I gave earlier was the only reason she did actually feel what it means to be a slave to me.

I released her and walked out of my study. I knew if I stayed she would have experienced hell on earth. My biological siblings sat on the large virgin white sofa located at the back of my bedroom. It offered a view of the mountain range separating Gealdinina and Sahvahnt.

Once my siblings looked at me with grins and wide eyes. I simply looked at them as if they were circus freaks at the carnival. Ezdeth came out and stood beside me with her head bowed, a sign of submission. Eros purred in pleasure at seeing her mate submit.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to our sister-in-law?" One of my sisters asked in a chipper voice.

"Ezdeth these are my siblings. There the introduction is done, now I have duties to attend to." I was about to walk away but one of my brothers pulled me down into a chair.
My siblings stood in order from youngest to oldest.

"My name is Ana-Lila and this is my twin brother Andysion-Léon, but you can call us Lila and Aléon (Alien). We are the youngest of the bunch and our colour code is lilac." The lilac haired girl introduced her twin using his hated nickname.

"Or you can just call me Andy AR Léon." Léon shot her a glare which made stick her tongue out at him like the immature brat she is, instead of an twenty-three year old adult.

"Ignore them, they act like that all the time. My name is De Lo Roso and this is my twin sister De La Rosa, but you can call us Roso and Rosa. Our colour code is pastel pink."
Roso said. Ezdeth looked a little confused at the term 'colour code'. So I told her that since we looked alike when we were younger so our parents colour coded us to avoid any baby mix up.

Though they introduce themselves as twins we are actually two sets of sextuplets (6 babies). So when they say twins it is just because the have the same colour code.

"Hello my name is Aleana and this is my brother Adonna (A-doe-na), but you can call me Angel. Our colour code is white."

Another thing that played a part in our colour coding was the colour of our eyes and the shade of our hair, hence, the light colours. They are albino but they have different eye colours. Roso and Rosa dyed their hair pastel pink, while Lila dyed her hair lilac. Angel, Adonna and Léon kept their original white hair.

My set of sextuplets are the complete opposite of the younger set. We have obsidian black hair and muscular builds and opposed to the dainty of the light haired brats.

The introduction of siblings continued.

"My name is Amora and this is my twin Amun, but you can call my Lake and him Rain; which are our middle names. Our colour code is Royal blue because of our eyes." The calmest set of all my siblings introduced themselves with soft voices and a hug. Ezdeth tensed at this unexpected physical contact. Not one of my siblings have touched her until now. The blue eyed pulled away with smiles but I could see some unease in their eyes.

"My name is Docca (Doe-ca) and this is my twin Adeana, but you can call us by our middle names, Blaze and hers is Phoénix."

"Our colour code is dark crimson red which match our eyes." Phoénix added, along with a disgusted look throw Ezdeth's way.

"And finally my name is Azeal and my twin is the cold-hearted bitch you have the displeasure of marrying. Our colour code is black like our eyes." Azeal said teasingly.

"And you can call him Ravani and she has several nicknames." Angel added sweetly.

After they finished with their meet and greet bullshit I walked out of the room while dragging Ezdeth with me.

I had duties to attend to but first I needed food. The dining table was empty but not for long I'm sure. It's still early so now one has eaten yet. I sat down and pulled Ezdeth into my lap roughly. She glared at me hatefully with I simply choose to ignore.

"How do you feel about my siblings?" I asked her politely.

"They seem like decent people unlike you. It seems you are just a rotten apple in the bunch. The one that no one wants be– fuck!" She screamed and held her broken shoulder.

"I did warn you. If you disrespect me again I will break your fingers one by one, and every time you scream I will break something else and start breaking your fingers over again until you learn to keep your mouth shut." I whispered angrily.

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