William and Noora: 4

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Not everything always goes as planned. 

Well, hardly anything does.

At least, not exactly. 

When I first left London i figured it would be a week. Three maybe before William came to Oslo. A few hours before he texted me to see where I was, a few minutes to call. But he never did. He never texted, never called, never came to find me. Not for three months. He knew where I was, and he knew why I had left. He knew he knew, and I knew he knew. Breaking hearts is like breaking promises's, just because you saw it coming doesn't make it hurt any less. 

When I wake it's still dark outside. A soft golden glow from my lamp illuminates William's hard features. It takes all my self control to not trace my fingers over his face. Somehow, it's hard for me to believe he's here, he's real. My eyes are heavy from sleep, and he looks so soft here. I reach out, carefully, and run a hand through his hair. His eyes open slowly and I pull my hand away. "You don't need to stop." He says, his voice low and gravely with sleep. "I didn't mean to wake you." I whisper. We watch each other for a long while, just facing each other. I try to imagine what he's thinking. He slowly leans in to kiss me, gauging my response. I close my eyes and the space between us quickly, and a small smile forms on my lips. He plants a hand in my hair and kisses me slowly, like he might not get the chance to do it again. When he pulls back, I sigh. 

"We have to talk." I say. He shakes his head. "Today there will be no talking. We'll just lay here." He encloses me in his arms and I lay carefully on his chest. I giggle a bit. "We do." I groan. He sits up, pushing his hair from his eyes. "What's there to talk about, Noora? We took a break. Now we're together again." He says it like it's obvious. I sit up next to him, an incredulous look on my face. "William! It's not that... simple." He shrugs. "Why not? I want you, you want me." It could be that simple, we could just pretend London never happened. Just the good parts. But that's not real. "Where are you going to live?" He shrugs once more. "I can buy a new place. Buy back my apartment." I move the hair from his eyes. "You hate that apartment." He sighs, tucking my hair behind my ear. "But you love that apartment." I shake my head. "This isn't about me." He scoffs. "All of this is about you." 

I look at the clock quickly. "I've got to get to school." I say slowly. I try to stand but he grabs my arm and pulls me down quickly. I giggle as he kisses my neck again and again, tickling me. "William!" I say, pulling away, holding his hand in mine. "Let me at least give you a ride."

Everyone stares as William's familiar car pulls up to Nissen. I sit and look at him for a moment. He leans over and kisses me, and i inhale sharply. "I'll see you soon." He says, kissing me again. I want to tell him I love him, because I do. But I don't know what he would do if I did. "I love you." He says. I smile. "I love you too." I shut the car door and he drives off. I wonder what he's doing today. 

When I approach the girls, all their eyes are wide, mouths hanging open. "William came?" asks Vilde, her expression almost scared. "Yes." I say simply. "I'll explain later." I murmur. "No, no, no. You don't get off that easy. What happened?" Eva asks, as we sit down at an outside table. "He, uh, his father. There was an accident and he died." Vilde inhales sharply. "Is he okay?" asks Sana. I nod, then shrug. "I think so? He seems okay." Chris shrugs. "Maybe he's just covering up how seriously, not okay, he is." She takes a drink of her soda. "Maybe, but I don't think so." It is possible. It's hard to tell what William feels unless he tells you himself. "His father left everything to him. He doesn't know what to do with himself, he's swimming in cash. He, he, seems the same though. Like it doesn't bother him." Chris scoffs. "Would it bother you to be a millionaire?" Chris questions. "I don't mean this to sound rude, but William is more materialistic than you are Noora." Eva says. "I don't mean it in a bad way. It's just the truth. I don't think it will bother William. I mean, he's just a bit more rich than he has been his whole life." I don't want to admit it but she is right. 

When school is finished William picks me up again. "I have something to show you." He says, when I shut the door. "What?" I ask but he doesn't answer, just entertains a sly smile on his lips. "So it's like that?" I ask. He chuckles. After a few minutes he pulls up in front of a large apartment building. "Cmon." He says, shutting the car off. "How did you find a place so quickly?" I ask, taking his hand in mine. He shrugs. "I didn't have anything else to do today." I forget that he doesn't have school. He takes us up to the top floor, the penthouse. When the elevator door opens, I'm overwhelmed by the luxury. It's gorgeous, completely furnished with modern settings and it appears William has already had his things brought in, judging by the boxes lining the large glass front wall that overlooks Oslo. 

"Do you like it?" He asks, leaning against the marble counter top of the kitchens island. "It's... expensive." I breathe. "But do you like it?" He asks again. "William... this isn't what makes me happy. You are. We could live in a box under the bridge and I'd be just as happy if you were there too." He raises a brow, a smile forming on his lips as I wrap my arms around his waist. "So you're saying you're going to move in with me?" I roll my eyes.



"No, William!" 

"Yes, Noora." 


He smiles. "Okay?" he says, his voice careful. I roll my eyes. "Okay. But only because there's no room at the apartment." He kisses me quickly. "Sure." 

Shades Of Cool: NoorhelmWhere stories live. Discover now