William and Noora: 5

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Me and William
Were like a movie.
A fantasy romance film.
Where they end up together forever,
in love and in lust.
And everything was good.
I realized
We were like a movie,
But not a romance.
A tragedy.
The lovers who lost
Due to circumstance.
And like a movie
I could see it
Over and over again
But I wished
I really wished
That I could feel it again.

William approached me from behind, kissing my neck as I chopped vegetables. I smile softly, giggling when he bites my collarbone softly. "No no no." I muttered, turning around and kissing him. His lips moved reverently against mine, with desperation and passion. My back hit the edge of the counter top and the cool marble dug into my spine. William pushes my hair out of the way of my jaw and kisses it, running his hands down to my ass, and nibbles on my ear lobes. I pull his jacket off his shoulders, pressing my lips back to his. I gather the fabric of his tshirt in my hands as he pulls me toward the bedroom and shuts the door behind us.

I don't like to waste time on sleep when I'm with William, but it is inevitable. When I wake he is gone, but there's a text on my phone telling me that he has gone to meet someone and will see me in the afternoon. I smile at the added, p.s. Hey you, elsker deg.

I stand and stretch, looking at the clock. It's still morning and the 9:30 light is streaming through the windows, bouncing rainbows off the glass. I throw William's long sleeve white shirt over my head (( i know you know which one i'm talking about it's iconic honestly it deserves its own season )) I wonder who William is meeting. Maybe someone who is handling his fathers money or his assets? Maybe he's going to university. I laugh. William would never. Well... My thought is caught off guard by a sharp knock on the door.
I stand quickly and rush to the other side of the loft and look through the peephole. Outside the door stands a thin girl with long dark hair and chocolate eyes. I don't recognize her. I open the door.
"Can i help you?" I ask politely. Her face turns sour and before I know it I'm on the floor. "You BITCH!" She screams and i vaguely recognize she is talking to me. I raise my head up from my crumpled position and hold my nose so no more of my blood pools on the pale wood. "Hey! Liza, stop!" I hear William yell, shutting the door. "Is that why you left London? IS THAT WHY YOU FUCKING LEFT?" She screeches and the sound echos around the room, piercing my ears. "What's going on?" I murmur, as William pulls me up. "Noora, I can explain." Suddenly I piece everything together. "Did you..." My eyes widen and I step away from him.
The girl throws her left hand up. On it is a large diamond ring. "You don't go back on your promises." She hisses. My eyes widen impossibly further. "How could you?" I gasp. "Hello, Noora. I'm Liza, your boyfriends fiancé."

Sorry that this was short but i needed to get something up before y'all fuckin shit your pants so i'll be up with something longer in probably two days okay bye plz vote and like and all that shit okay alt er love ❤️

Shades Of Cool: NoorhelmWhere stories live. Discover now