William and Noora: 7

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"William, sometimes just because something was really good, doesn't mean it can always be fixed." Tears stream from my eyes as I lean into his palm. "So, we're done then. Just like that. Everything we put into each other, is gone." He backs away from me, shaking his head.
"I don't know William... I'd like to say that because we love each other, everything will be fine. I'd like to think that. I really would." I sigh, sitting down on the couch.
He sits beside me, pushing my hair out of my vision, his warm hand cupping the side of my face.
"Then do it."
And suddenly his lips are on mine and I don't push him away. He pins my arms above my head on the arm of the couch and hurriedly unbuttons my blouse. His mouth is hungry, and desperate. Not like he desperately wants me, but like he's desperate to make me want him back. Like he's desperate to convince me.
And I let him.
I let thoughts of us together old and gray consume me.
I let the idea of this, indescribable feeling being my forever soak into my bones.
Let it be my reality.
I don't know what to do but kiss him, love him back.
With each kiss, each thrust, he whispers that he loves me. That i'm all that matters to him.
I want to believe him, so I do.
I let go of my worries and fears and I feel him, I hear him, I let myself be consumed by him.

We lay there after, a jumble of limbs and kisses.
"I love you." I finally say back, and I feel his smile against my hair.
"Let's get married."
I lean up on my arm, raising an eyebrow.
"You don't mean that." He shrugs.
"Why not?"
"Because. You feel that way right now, but you might not later."
"If everyone lived by that logic no one would
ever get married."
I suppose he was right.
"Marry me." He insists, kissing my neck, pulling me closer. "I know I won't want anyone else, forever."
And suddenly i'm melting in his arms all over again.
I look into his chocolate eyes, running my hand through his hair.
And suddenly i'm sure.
All the doubt, all the inhibition I had been feeling disappears, and i'm sure that i'll never want anyone else.
The thought of living forever with that burning hole in my chest in unbearable.
I smile as he crushes me in his kiss, in his embrace, and i've never felt more a part of someone than this.

When I wake the next morning, William isn't there. There's a note on my pillow, that says- "Something came up, just business. I'll be back soon. I love you, future Mrs. Magnusson."
I get chills as I read this but still a smile lights my lips.
I text the group chat.

NOORA: "Can we meet, I have sometime nice to tell you!"

VILDE: "Did you and William work it out ?? I knew you would!! Magnus says when two people are meant to be together nothing can stop them!!"

SANA: "Meet at the cafe on Novak in 15?"

NOORA: "I'll be there."

I set my phone down and tie my hair up in a quick knot, throwing on my coat.
As I walk I think about me and William, and getting married. I think about it as two separate worlds, but since last night it's all become one. And it's mine.
It doesn't seem real. But still it fills me with giddy bubbles and puts a huge smile on my face. That sounds so damn stupid, but i'm so tired of being afraid. Being afraid he won't love me,  being so afraid i'll somehow ruin everything. That i'll never be good enough for him to want to stay. But all of that feels shot away now, disintegrating in the wind like sweat on a hot day.
They're all already there when I arrive, and eager to hear the news.
I sit down, and smile into my lap, trying to muster up the words. They sit behind my teeth, and I want to show them. Eva raises her hand and says, "Well... What is it?" I look up, smiling. "William asked me to marry him, and I said yes." No one says anything except Vilde who squeals with delight. Her face falls when she sees that no one else reacted that way and she doesn't speak.
"I mean... Are you sure?" Chris asks, her face worried.
"Yeah. We don't want to be without each other, ever. We figured... Now is as good a time as any."
Sana raises a brow, shifting her weight. "But... What about school?" I shrug. "I'll finish, obviously. The wedding won't be until summer I imagine." I sigh. "Please, be happy for me?" I ask them. They all smile, forced fake smiles and i shake my head, standing.
"I told you before I even told my parents." As I walk away, I ignore the burn of tears in my eyes. I hear Vilde chastising them, but try and tune it out. But one lingering phrase plants itself in my head, one I hear from a while behind me.

"What if he's not doing just because he loves her?"

ooh william might have a secret motive hehe i'm the worst im sorry but 2k !! hip. i'm such a hip teen.
but they need to stop playing with my mans i swear

love y'all
mena xoxo

Shades Of Cool: NoorhelmWhere stories live. Discover now