Chapter 21

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"That little bitch...." Faith pulled the black hair tie off letting her golden locks fall over her shoulders. "Ran her mouth and now it looks like I killed Fiona."

Isabeth slid the key in the lock, "We'll fix it." She twisted the key and turned the doorknob.

Isabeth and Faith walked into Fiona's room. A blanket of emotions overtook them in the third room on the left side of the house. It was the same as it was five years ago after Fiona ditched the Little Mermaid theme for a mature soft pink motif. The walls were tan with white molding etched on the ceiling, white lace curtains hung closed along the windows and the crème rug that kept their feet from the chill of winter's nights lay on the oak floor.

Isabeth brushed her hand over the white orchid sitting on the silver table in front of the white couch. She remembered the summer days she spent sitting there waiting for Fiona to apply her make-up. Fiona would take two hours applying mascara, lipstick, eye shadow and other cosmetic goodies brought over by Harper.

Faith rested her hands in the pockets of her pants as a chill from the ceiling fan brushed across her arms. Her mind traveled to the last time she was in the room that was riddled with childhood bliss and teenage angst. Faith remembered the day like it was yesterday. It played before her life a film. It was the summer of junior year; her orange bikini was still wet as she left footprints over the floor pacing in a panic because Gavin was taking her out for a romantic boat ride to watch the end of summer fireworks. She needed Fiona's advice on losing her virginity because back then Fiona was the experienced one. Harper was still saying eww and Isabeth's motto was no karat, no cookie.

Fiona's advice was "If it feels good, it's all good." Under the fireworks that warm August night when Gavin kissed her lips and stroked her thigh, it felt good. Then after the incident with Fulton, when her will to live sunk lower than the depths of an abyss she started living by those words; if it feels good, it's all good. Now those words were leading her down a dark path riddled with recklessness and sin. Faith now knew standing in this vacant room that those words didn't lead Fiona anywhere good. Maybe it was time to make a detour, she thought. Faith didn't want her next destination to be the mortuary.

Faith picked up a gold jewelry box off the eggshell dresser with the initials FJH inscribed onto it with black ink.

"Don't touch anything!" Isabeth ordered grabbing at the jewelry box.

Faith pulled the box back holding it against her chest. "Then how am I supposed to search Isa? Get stung by a spider and get x-ray vision." Faith spoke sitting on the bed covered with a light pink quilt and six fluffy goose-down pillows.

Isabeth stepped back. "Spiders don't sting" Isabeth corrected looking at the stack of old Fashion magazines. All the issue dated were strangely all from last year. Fiona was known to keep up. Fashion was her life. Isabeth noted the character change. "And Spiderman doesn't have x-ray vision, Super—"

Wicked Games: Book Two of The Psychopath SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now