Chapter 47

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Isabeth stood in by the counter at Battery Acid waiting for her macchiato extreme; the coffee drink was kicked up a notch with a shot of espresso

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Isabeth stood in by the counter at Battery Acid waiting for her macchiato extreme; the coffee drink was kicked up a notch with a shot of espresso. A shot of espresso that she needed because tonight was going to be a long night; she had to solve Egan's riddle and finish setting up for The Blackbird's second round of games. However, as she held the bottle firmly in Teddy's mouth her course load was the furthest thing in her mind, "What have you been up to all day?"

"You can't tell." Dalton stepped back, under the light almost bumping into Hector. "I don't look different." He strutted.

Isabeth stared blankly at him. He looked the same as he did when she saw him last. 

Dalton tsked, slapping his sides. "No beard."

"Oh, snap." Isabeth playfully punched him in the shoulder. The beard he'd grown after Yellman died in his arms was gone. "I didn't realize."

"I understand." He waited anxiously for his nutmeg-mocha latte, watching as the barista rapidly mixed drinks and called every name but his. "We've been dealing with a lot these couple of days but I decided to control what I can and ignore what I can't."

"I wish I could do that." Isabeth capped the empty baby bottle Teddy sucked clean. "But every time I think I got it figured out someone throws a monkey wrench in the mix."

"What now?" He swiped his eyes around catching some familiar faces.

Isabeth slid the bottle into the outside pocket of the baby bag. "I paid a visit to the chocolatier."

"Egan Siegmeister." Dalton scowled balling his hand into a fist.

Isabeth nodded, "Get this. His name isn't Egan."

"What is it?" His hand relaxed against his thigh

"Luca Wickland." She rocked Teddy, who was laying his head against his chest, it was naptime and she knew it.

"Why did he change his name?"

"Apparently, someone killed his family."

"So, we're back to square one." He threw his hands up. "We're running out of time Isa. I don't like Alex but no one deserves to go to jail under falsities."

"I know." She rubbed Teddy's head, relaxing him even more. His little eyes flicked open and close. "He gave me a riddle but I don't understand it."

"What is it?"

"A family that can make children disappear." Isabeth bobbed her head trying to remember the rhyme. 

"Someone got pregnant with a baby that wasn't their husband's." Dalton shrugged with a guess. "A cheating scandal."

"Probably." She said slightly unsure. "But could all this terror be because of a disgruntled mistress."

Harper jogged over, "Have you guys seen Faith?"

"No," Isabeth answered. "Why what's up?"

"I haven't heard from her since she left work." Harper wrung her hands. "She missed the last game." 

"Maybe she went home." Dalton offered up.

"Never." Harper insisted.

"Did you check Auggie's place?" Isabeth jumped in.

"No," Harper answered. "You think she'd go there?"

"Probably." Isabeth quipped. "We did have a fight this morning."

"Hey, do you understand this?" Dalton tapped his hand against Presto's shoulder. "Their once was a woman that had an affair." He snapped to try to bring the rest forward in his mind.

"Okay." Harper frantically nodded "I'm going to his house maybe she's there."

"Do that." Isabeth dialed her phone then place it up to her ear, the dial tone rung. She redialed but no one answered. She hung up before the beep sounded in her ear. "Call me when you find her."

"What's up?" Dalton grabbed their drinks that finally appeared on the counter.

"Alex isn't answering." She ended the call and tapped on the Track My Friend app. "What is he doing in the country?"

"You want to check it out?" Dalton handed Isabeth her coffee.

She took a sip of the energizing potion, "I guess." 

Wicked Games: Book Two of The Psychopath SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now