Fill In The Blanks

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Alex tossed his keys to the valet as he walked around the car. He studied his watch. He hadn't heard from Isabeth since she left with Dalton that morning. The cloudless sky was darkening and it had been too long since he heard her honeyed voice. His stomach tightened slightly but he pulled in a deep breath trying to push away the worry that wanted to fog his mind.

"You brought me to Crimson." Malachi read the dark purple illuminated sign of a bloomed orchid hanging on an industrial building tucked behind trees on Terracotta Lane.

"This is where The Faulkner twins' driver said they were." Alex through the doors that were held open for him by a man in an all-black suit. "Why?" He glanced over at Malachi's nervous disposition. "Is there a problem?"

"No problem." Malachi's skin tingled from the banging bass as they strutted down the dim hallway. "Just that my mama would kill me if she found out I was in a strip club."

"Well, these are your friends."

"Acquaintances." Malachi corrected. "They're Gavin's friends."

Alex shrugged unconcerned. "They're identical, right." He asked and Malachi answered with a nod. "How do they look?"

They stopped as they reached the end of the hallway. By their side was the bar, stocked with every liquor, whisky, bourbon, and scotch made under the sun. Cigar smoke floated to the ceiling as lingerie-clad women glided down poles surrounded by leather black booths that were scattered around.

"See for yourself." Malachi pointed to the loudest corner on the floor. Two girls were on the stage while a dark-haired guy gyrated with them. He handed one hand around a girl's waist while his other hand was around the neck of a whiskey bottle that read Faulkner Vintage.

"Which one is that?" Alex asked as they advanced.

"Dallas, I think." Malachi frowned as he pondered. "Yeah! That's Dallas." He clarified as they approached them. It was the scar under his eye that cleared up Malachi's confusion.

"Dakota," Malachi shouted over the music as he sat down in the booth. "What are you doing here?"

Dakota stopped sipping on the brown tonic and looked over at Malachi with glassy eyes. "Casting entertainment for the Sinner and Saint's party." He looked up at Alex standing near Malachi. "The brother.... Alex, right."

Malachi nodded his head along with the beat as he watched the girl's hip sway.

Dakota narrowed his eyes pondering, " do you have a white brother?"

"Biology." Alex leaned over and told. "And cheating parents."

"Um." Dakota took another sip of his drink. "I have those too." He twirled the block-sized ice cubes around in the glass. "So...why are you here?" H looked back up at the stage.

"We heard we were at your party last week." Malachi scratched his five o'clock shadow. "We can't remember what happened." He gestured to Alex and him. "Can you fill us in?"

"It was the same ole' same ole," Dakota spoke propping his arms on the rim of the couch. "Drinks. Music. Dancing. Oh! Until you guys showed up." He tilted his head toward them with a crooked smile on his face.

"What does that mean?" Alex asked inching closer and blocking Malachi's view of the stage.

Dakota glanced up at the stage with flustered cheeks, "Dallas!" He shouted to his brother, yanking the dancing lad's attention. "Get your ass down. Shit!"

"Why the fuck for!" Dallas yelled back holding onto the brunette tightly.

"How am I supposed to cast with your ass in the way!" Dakota fumed. "You jackass!"

Dallas displayed his middle finger and went back to his party.

Dakota shifted his body toward them. "First of all...Dalton's ass told the DJ to leave and he took the position. He hooked up his phone and played Pearl Jam for ten minutes straight. Now, I'm not knocking that but that isn't grinding music. I had to get Isaac." Dakota pointed to the hulking, bald man in the black suit standing behind the booth. "To remove his ass."

"Really." Malachi furrowed his brows.

"And then...." Dakota continued. "I guess you—" He pointed to Alex. "And Isa is a thing because Kent was pushing up on her hard... I a pit bull in heat." He looked down at Malachi's hand. "How's the fist?"

Malachi flexed his hand. "Fine. Is that all?"

Dakota thought for a while. "Other than Faith and Dalton hooking up in the butler's closet, Preston and Harper were dancing on the counter....that's all."

"That's all." Malachi huffed stroking the back of his neck.

"What about me?" Alex asked. "What was I doing?"

Dakota shook his head, "Didn't see you." He turned back to the stage. "Were you there?"

"Yes," Alex answered. "Maybe he saw me." He gestured to Dallas.

Dakota chuckled. "If he saw anything we'd both be surprised."


"Cause he spent all night with Tinsley.... in the Cape."

"Cape Cod." Alex uttered."

Dakota nodded his head.

We knew what everybody was doing but Alex and Fiona. I wonder what they were up to?

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Wicked Games: Book Two of The Psychopath SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now