Chapter 24

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Faith slid her finger along the polished oak desk as she made her way to one of the white leather chairs in front of it

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Faith slid her finger along the polished oak desk as she made her way to one of the white leather chairs in front of it. She sat back and rested her arms on the chair's plush armrest absorbing the view from the President's office.

The ash gray walls were adorned with a retro picture of Beverly Johnson and black and white portraits of Harper's three half siblings smiling boldly on the beach. Cuddled up deep in a nap by the wall that held Mrs. Chamber's diploma from Harvard Business School was a six-year-old chocolate spotted Dalmatian. Next to the diploma hung a picture of Mrs. Chamber's looking elegant in a silver mermaid gown next to President Johnston at the White House's Rose Garden.

At that moment Faith was one thing. Inspired. She wanted the life Mrs. Chambers had crafted for herself.

"What do you think we'll be doing this year?" Isabeth asked fussing with the collar of her nautical dress for the third time today.

Faith shrugged. "Probably backing swag bag and checking email like last time."

"I hope not." Isabeth interlocked her fingers and stretched her arms out in front of her. "I want to get out of the office."

"I like staying in the building actually." Faith twisted her head around looking out the glass door and wall that appeared frosted to those that stalked past the hallway. "Learning the in's and out's of the business."

Isabeth tilted her head toward Faith, "You just want to weasel you way into a photo shoot and get a magazine spread like last time."

'And what's wrong with that." A smile bloomed on Faith's olive-tinted face. "I still have that 20K hidden away in a rainy day fund."

"Rainy Day Fund." Isabeth glared at her peculiarly. "Rainy Day Fund for what. Don't you get fifteen for your monthly stipend?"

"Yes." Faith answered turning back around. "And some of that goes into the fund too." She crossed her legs showing off her thighs in the coral romper. "But with Giselle being the sole executor of my trust fund I don't know when that well will dry up."

"Hmm." Isabeth sounded just as the glass door flung open.

"Sorry for my tardiness." Kieran Chambers declared as she strutted into the office in a blush silk blouse and a white pencil skirt.

Behind her with an iPad in one hand and a phone in the other was Harper in a white lace midi dress. "Gregory Nunez is calling," Harper announced handing the phone to her mother as the woman sat behind the desk.

"It can wait." Kieran proclaimed shaking the mouse to the 27-inch Mac on her desk. "He's the VP so I'm sure he can take care of it for a few minutes." She gestured for Harper to place the devices on her desk and Harper did as she was instructed. With her chocolate eyes still glued on the computer screen, Kieran spoke, "I haven't seen you girls in a while. How are..." She stopped dropping her eyes. A gentle smile claimed her nude stained lips. "I'm sorry for the loss." Her gaze shifted to the Isabeth and Faith and then to her daughter standing beside her. "I loved Fiona. She was a wonderful girl."

Isabeth nodded, "That she was."

"It's better if we get down to business. Work away the sorrow." Kieran sat up in her chair. "Let's talk about your first internship assignment."

"I'm your shadow, right." Harper smiled leaning against the desk. "Learning about the business I'll inherit one day."

"No," Kieran said plainly glaring at her daughter. "And stand up straight. You will not be handed my company like I don't hand you money. Your monthly stipend is from your Dad's estate. Not mine." Kieran looked down at the notification that lit up her phone then focused back on the girls. "Your assignment is community-based. As you know Kieran Cosmetics has a scholarship program for underprivileged youths and the fund needs to be lucrative for the next academic year. So, the first event is a benefit soccer tournament, which you girls are going to head."

"You want us to coordinate soccer players." Isabeth gawked to the woman. "Isn't there a World Cup coming up."

Kieran's head tilted back as she laughed. "The players aren't going to be professionals." Kieran grabbed her phone and begun typing quickly. "More like eight to twelve."

"Eight to twelve." Faith exclaimed. "You mean kids."

"Yes." Kieran sat the phone back down. "Precisely. Kids from the area, kids from the next town. Kids from Boston. You guys are going to work that out."

"And what I am doing?" Harper asked.

"Helping them." Kieran gestured to Isabeth and Faith.

Harper dropped her arms as a pout formed onto her glossed lips. "But...I thought."

"You thought wrong." Kieran rolled back her chair and rose up. "Plus, now that you're stateside, it's time for you to spend more time with your siblings. Mason will be on one of the teams."

The door opened as Kieran made her way around the desk. "Ms. O'Malley! I'm glad you were able to join us." Kieran patted Custard's head as he leaned against her leg. "How was your flight?"

"The second attempt was splendid after my Dad's jet had engine failure." Gidget spat out as she raked a hand through her wavy tresses. "But I'm here."

Faith rolled her eyes then mouthed what the fuck to Isabeth. "Fiona is always the fourth intern." She whispered.

How did Gidget get Fiona's spot?

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