Chapter 38

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"The nurse will be in to discharge you," Auggie told closing the door behind him

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"The nurse will be in to discharge you," Auggie told closing the door behind him. "But first we need to talk."

"Talk about what?" Faith groaned as she pushed herself up.

"You have a bruised rib." Auggie walked to her bedside. "And a concussion...that's why you were unconscious for so long."

Faith nodded. She rubbed her hand over her arm that was wrapped in gauze and propped on a pillow. "What about this?" She looked up at her older brother, the second eldest and she could see the worry gave him red-strained eyes and lines in his forehead.

"Before impact, you used your arm to shield your face."

"Of course." She quipped. "I'm Giselle's daughter after all."

"Its really a normal reaction." He tightened his hands around the plastic bedrail. "But since we're on the subject of Giselle."

"Is she here?" Faith brushed her hand over her bed head. Her eyes widen as she looked away from him and to the closed door.

"No." He told plainly. "She's not coming."

Faith dropped her head, focusing on the IV protruding from her forearm. She didn't know why she still cared but she did. A little part of her wanted her mom to be there. Force her to eat the unseasoned hospital food or thank God she was alive. Faith pushed back her bruised feelings because she remembered...that wasn't the mother she had.

"And let me're her spokesperson." She blinked away the haze of tears that began to form before looking back at her brother. Her brother that looked more like their father with each passing day. He had the wavy black hair and honey eyes that went so well with his olive tone that absorbed the sun and made him shine. She wouldn't admit it but he was her favorite.

"The things you said to Poppy were wrong and rude." He sneered. "You weren't raised that way and I don't know why you would behave...."

"You don't love her." Faith cut him off. "Admit it."

Auggie bit his mouth closed, shaking his head at her words.

"Shake your head all you want, Augustus but you don't love her like you Aurora." Faith took a labored breath. Her pain meds were wearing off and a dull ache claimed the side of her head. "And I'm not going to participate in this charade.... watch you marry Poppy because Aurora was a little too middle-class t for Giselle's liking."

"That's not why Aurora and I broke up."

"Yeah." Faith smugly grinned. "Because mom told you differently. She has a way of making you believe things that aren't true and you believe her...because she's your mother and she wouldn't lie."

He breathed deeply as dew wafted over his orbs, "You speak which such certainty."

"She has lied to me before." Faith trained her attention to the heavy oak door. "It cost me a lot...and I won't let you make my mistake." She tried to sniff away her sorrow but the tear resting in the corner of her eye was as stubborn of her and dripped on the tan blanket. "Hate me all you want."

"Faith." Auggie leaned over the bed and rested his hand upon her cheek. "You're my baby sister, I could never hate you." He brushed his hand along the trail the tear left, "No matter what you do or did."

She shifted her Aegean eyes to him, "Even murder."

His gaze stilled, "Did you—"

"Hypothetically speaking." She smiled under her brother's hand.


The door opened and they both averted their attention to the presence entering the room.

"Egan." Faith uttered. "You're here."

Egan let go of the door as he held a paper coffee cup in her hand, "Since the accident."

Auggie nodded at him then kissed Faith's cheek. As his lip grazed her skin, he whispered. "Be careful."

Faith smiled wryly as her brother pulled back. 

Should Faith heed her brother's words?

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Wicked Games: Book Two of The Psychopath SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now